

作者: 夹竹桃的下午 | 来源:发表于2024-05-07 15:55 被阅读0次
<<include etc/colors_fonts_patterns.conf>>

<<include ideogram.conf>>
<<include ticks.conf>>

<<include etc/image.conf>>

#karyotype =karyotype.human.txt
karyotype = circos_plot/karyotype.human_chr.txt
chromosomes_units           = 1000000
chromosomes_display_default = yes
chromosomes_color   = hs1=red,hs2=orange,hs3=yellow,hs4=green,hs5=blue,hs6=dpurple,hs7=red,hs8=orange,hs9=yellow,hs10=green,hs11=blue,hs12=dpurple,hs13=red,hs14=orange,hs15=yellow,hs16=green,hs17=blue,hs18=dpurple,hs19=red,hs20=orange,hs21=yellow,hs22=green
#show_ticks = yes
  show_ticks = no
  radius = 0.9r
  label_radius = 1.05r
#  label_padding = 2p
   label_size = 25
    default = 0.005r
  thickness = 40p
  fill      = yes
  stroke_color = black


file = ./links_data.txt
radius = 0.2r
bezier_radius = 0r
thickness = 2
color = grey

file = ./links_data2.txt
radius = 0.2r
bezier_radius = 0r
thickness = 2
color = red


# Data out of bounds should be hidden. Otherwise the
# default is to clip the data to range min/max.
#range = hide
type =histogram
file =  ./sample.cnv_sample_filter.txt
r0   = 0.2r
r1   = 0.38r
min  = -1
max  = 1
glyph = circle
glyph_size = 8
color = vlpurple_a5
thickness = 3
spacing = 0.02r
color   =lpurple
thickness = 1
spacing   = 0.3r
#fill_color = vdgrey_a3
color = vlpurple_a5
condition  = var(value) > 0.05
fill_color   = dred_a1
#glyph_size = eval( 6 + 4*abs(var(value)))
#flow       = continue
condition  = var(value) < -0.05
fill_color   = dblue_a1


type = line
#file = sample
file = ./sample.cnv.txt
r0   = 0.4r
r1   = 0.58r
min  = -1
max  = 1
glyph = circle
glyph_size = 8
color = blue
thickness = 5
color   =lblue
thickness = 1
spacing   = 0.3r
fill_color = vdgrey_a3
color = vlblue_a5

condition  = var(value) <1
#glyph_size = eval( 6 + 4*abs(var(value)))
flow       = continue
condition  = var(value) < 1
stroke_color = black
stroke_thickness = 2

# scatter plot for values [-3,3]
type = line
#file = cancer
file = Cnv_cancer.cnv.txt
r0   = 0.6r
r1   = 0.78r
min  = -0.6
max  = 0.6
glyph = circle
glyph_size = 8
color = red
thickness = 5
color     = lred
thickness = 1
spacing   = 0.3r
fill_color = vdgrey_a3

color = vlred_a5

condition  = var(value) <1
#glyph_size = eval( 6 + 4*abs(var(value)))
flow       = continue
condition  = var(value) < 1
stroke_color = black
stroke_thickness = 2

# scatter plot for values [-3,3]
type = line
#file = data/8/13/data.cnv.txt
file =  Cnv_Healthy.cnv.txt
r0   = 0.80r
r1   = 0.98r
min  = -1
max  = 1
glyph = circle
glyph_size = 18
color = green
thickness = 5   ###cnv line 的粗细
color     = lgreen
thickness = 1   ##外圈
spacing   = 0.3r

condition  = 1
glyph_size = eval( 6 + 4*abs(var(value)))
flow       = continue
condition    = var(value) < 3
stroke_color =  lgreen
stroke_thickness = 10


<<include etc/housekeeping.conf>>


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