This is the chameleon of data types. sql_variant can assume the identity of just about any data type in the list of SQL Server data types.
noun /kə'miljən/
a lizard that can change its colour to match the colours around it [lizard = /'lɪzɚd/ a type of reptile that has four legs and a long tail] [reptile = /'rɛptaɪl/ a type of animal, such as a snake or lizard, whose body temperature changes according to the temperature around it, and that usually lays eggs to have babies]
a type of lizard that can change the color of its skin to look like the colors that are around it.
a small lizard (= a type of reptile ) that can change colour according to its surroundings.
ANIMAL a lizard that changes skin colour to match what surrounds it so that it cannot be seen.
a type of small lizard with skin that changes colour to match the colours around it.
A chameleon is a kind of lizard whose skin changes colour to match the colour of its surroundings.
someone who changes their ideas, behaviour etc to fit different situations.
USUALLY DISAPPROVING : a person who often changes his or her beliefs or behavior in order to please others or to succeed.
(often disapproving) a person who changes their behaviour or opinions according to the situation.
PERSON a person who changes their opinions or behaviour to please other people.
someone who changes their opinions, ideas, or behaviour to fit any situation.
She's a political chameleon. [=she often changes her political beliefs]