SHE did have fun,more fun than she had had since the spring before the war.New Orleans was such a strange,glamorous place and Scarlett enjoyed it with the headlong pleasure of a pardoned life prisoner.The Carpetbaggers were looting the town,many honest folk were driven from their homes and did not know where to look for their next meal,and a negro sat in the lieutenantovernor's chair.But the New Orleans Rhett showed her was the gayest place she had ever seen.The people she met seemed to have all the money they wanted and no cares at all.Rhett introduced her to dozens of women,pretty women in bright gowns,women who had soft hands that showed no signs of hard work,women who laughed at everything and never talked of stupid serious things or hard times.And the men she met—how thrilling they were! And how different from Atlanta men—and how they fought to dance with her,and paid her the most extravagant compliments as though she were a young belle.
