Whose woods these are I think I know. 忆昔识房主
His house is in the village though; 居家在林旁
He will not see me stopping here 咫尺未相识
To watch his woods fill up with sn 积雪满屋窗
My little horse must think it queer 雪骥犹腹疑
To stop without a farmhouse near 何此长伫立
Between the woods and frozen lake 黑林连冰湖
The darkest evening of the year. 昧昧耿长夜
He gives his harness bells a shake 忽起鸾铃响
To ask if there is some mistake. 驽马蹄牢骚
The only other sound's the sweep 万籁俱此灭
Of easy wind and downy flake. 空有风过处
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. 雪林深郁黑
But I have promises to keep, 不负誓言催
And miles to go before I sleep, 未寝起征铎
And miles to go before I sleep. 长路马鞭挥