老友记 Friends
Paul:Ever since she walked out on me,I,uh...
walk out on someone可以表示“甩,抛弃某人”,比如:He had a row with his wife and walked out on her.他和他妻子吵架后抛弃了她。甩某人用的最多的是“dump”,dump someone就是甩某人,比如:She dumped him right after she went abroad.她一出国就把他甩了。有一种分手是因为一方劈腿,劈腿英文就是cheat on.比如:After I found that he cheated on me,I dumped him.在我发现他劈腿后,我把他甩了。现在大家可以感受出dump和cheat on的区别了吧。
Monica:What?...what,you wanna spell it out with noodles?
spell out表示讲清楚,说清楚。比如:Could you please spell out the details for us?请您为我们详细讲述一下细节好吗?
Rose:Even if I could get it together enough to-to ask a woman out..
get it together enough to鼓足勇气做某事。I got it together enough to try bungee jumping.我终于鼓起勇气尝试蹦极。鼓起勇气除了之前例句里出现过的,比如:screw up nerve/courage,还可以用bring oneself.比如:He brought himself to tell his girlfriend the truth.他终于鼓足勇气告诉他女朋友真像。
Chandler:It doesn't make much of a difference.
这句话的意思是,没什么不同。比如少了你也没什么不同,就是少了你也没关系。比如:It doesn't make much of a difference if you won't come.如果你不来也没什么关系。
no snap in his turtle是婉约的说他没有过性生活。注意使用:There was no snap in his turtle for two years.