Docker notes

作者: 你东哥呀 | 来源:发表于2018-07-10 16:51 被阅读10次

docker uses a little note

Record the pit I met with docker

  • docker build -t name:tag
$  docker build -t php:5.6-fpm .
Step 10/10 : CMD ["php-fpm56"," --nodaemonize"]
 ---> Running in f30821a06bd9
Removing intermediate container f30821a06bd9
 ---> 2b718d2cc43b
Successfully built 2b718d2cc43b
Successfully tagged php-fpm:5.6
SECURITY WARNING: ... Windows ... '-rwxr-xr-x' permissions......  directories.
  • docker run -p 9056:9056 --name xxx -d name:tag
$ docker run -p 9056:9056 --name php5.6 -v D:\wwwroot:/data -d php-fpm:5.6
$ docker run -p 9066:9056 --name YourName -v D:\www:/data -p -itd php-fpm:5.6
  • About starting

Docker must be a "foreground process", otherwise docker will stop immediately after startup, there are usually several ways to deal with it. As follows:

  1. When using php-fpm, add--nodaemonize parameters, such as: php-fpm56 --nodaemonize
  2. Use top/tail type commands, such as: tail -f /dev/null
  3. Install and use the supervisor tool, which is written in Python, so install Python and python-setuptools first.
  4. When performing docker run, run a loop at the back,
    such as: docker run -d php-fpm:5.6 /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo 123; sleep 1; done"
  • About port
    In addition, the problem of network port mapping is sometimes normal, but it can not be accessed.
  1. Replace in php-fpm.conf with [::]: 9056,such as:sed -i 's/[::]:9056/' ./php-fpm.conf
  2. We used to use php -S before, and now we can: php -S [::]:80
  3. In a word, it can't appear,5555.In this way, you can play: netstat -ano, docker port a3a0cfd83232, setenforce 0and so on.



    本文标题:Docker notes
