Reading plan

Reading plan

作者: 崴脚的小强 | 来源:发表于2018-12-27 11:04 被阅读0次
双11 满99减50 买了几百块钱的书,看的进度....有点慢哈

Mark IT!Because of I wanna read those book in one Month. Oh,Of course ,it's really diffcult,but I want to challenge myself.

Recently ,I was read the book  named 《Qishilu》,this book may just tell some new method to the new product manager how to work ,and how to use scientific method to doing job well.

The book is divided into three parts.

First is the person, product manager is the man whose almost job is ...to product opportunity,and  to definition the product details.Maybe we have so many ideas wanna to goal ,but  we must make a road map to do those work , yes,we can use  market requirements document  and product requirements document tools to manager those ideas. and the man must plunged into their work with Enthusiasm, yes,It means the man will love his work,love to be a  product manager,love to create idea,and so on.

Second is the Process, product manager's work being follow product principles,and the product Council is really  very important. when we finish the product prototype,we must call all the project relation person to a meeting room and  have a frank discussion  about the issue. product manager must can take sb's advice, study with other one.

Third is product itself,what kind of product can make people refreshing? This is the point.

Ok,That's all , now  I must to think over what we'll be performed at the annual meeting. 


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