一、含有 'do' 或 'get'、表示保持身体健康的搭配
1. 使用 do + 名词,谈论保持身体健康的不同方法。
do exercise 做运动
do an exercise routine 做常规运动
do cardiovascular activity 做心血管运动
do aerobics 做有氧运动
do yoga 练瑜伽
do weightlifting 举重
do everything possible 做一切可能的事情
2. 使用 get + 形容词,谈论保持身体健康的不同方法。
get fit 变健康
get more flexible 变得更加柔韧
get into shape 保持体型
get more exercise 多做运动
3. 形容词 in good shape 表示身体健康,它的反义词是 out of shape。注意,由于两个形容词描述的是一种状态,不是过程,所以与动词 be 连用。
He's in really good shape. 他身体非常棒。
I'm a little out of shape. 我身体有点不好。
1. 使用类似这些搭配来谈论一种健康的生活方式:
Don't take everything so seriously. 凡事切勿过于认真。
Everything in moderation. 凡事切勿过度。
Maintain a healthy work-life balance. 工作和生活要保持健康的平衡。
Make a lifestyle change. 改变生活方式。
Stay motivated. 保持积极性。
Spend quality time with family. 与家人共度美好的时光。
2. 使用类似这些搭配来谈论健康的身体习惯:
Exercise every day. 每天运动。
Eat more healthily. 吃得更健康。
Don't eat everything you crave. 不要想吃什么就吃什么。
Avoid fatty and salty foods. 不吃高脂肪和高盐分的食物。
Get enough sleep. 充足睡眠。
Drink lots of water. 多喝水。
1. 用 may、might 和 could 等情态动词表达可能性。 注意,在其后使用动词的一般式。 May 和 might 的含义基本相同,但 may 较为正式。
You may lose some weight from doing yoga.做瑜珈也许能让你减一点肥。
You might sleep better if you get more exercise.如果多加锻炼,你也许能睡得更香。
He could strengthen his heart with cardiovascular activity.他可能通过心血管活动使心脏更加强壮。
2. 在情态动词后用 not 构成否定。 May 和 might 通常不缩写。
She may not have the strength to lift that much weight.她可能没有力气举起这样大的重量。
Jogging might not be the best exercise for you.慢跑可能不是最适合你的运动。
3. could 的否定形式通常缩写。 注意,couldn't 的含义与 may not 和 might not 不同,因为它表示可能性完全不存在。
He couldn't do the new yoga exercise. He isn't flexible enough.他不能做新的瑜珈练习。 他的身体灵活度不够。
四、表示义务的情态动词'Must' 与 'have to'
1. 用情态动词 have to 和 must 表达义务。 注意,在两者后都使用动词原形。
The doctor says I have to stop smoking. My health isn't good. 医生说我必须戒烟。 我的健康状况不佳。
I must change my lifestyle. I need to get fit. 我必须改变生活方式。 我需要让身体变得健康。
2. Have to 可用 have got to 代替。
I've got to exercise more. I'm gaining a lot of weight. 我必须多锻炼。 我长胖了不少。
**have got to 没有否定形式,要使用 don't have to。
3. 否定形式 mustn't 和 don't have to 含义略有不同。 Mustn't 表示某个观点非常糟糕或不允许。 Don't have to 表示你不必做某事。
The doctor told her she mustn't eat so much fatty food. 医生告诉她,她绝对不能吃这么多油腻的食物。
He's so fit that he doesn't have to watch what he eats. 他非常健康,因此不必注意饮食。
4. must 没有过去式,要使用 had to。
Last year I had to go on a diet. I was overweight. 去年我必须节食。 我超重了。
1. 微弱建议
What I do is go jogging in the morning. 我的做法是在早晨慢跑。
It's a good idea to make changes slowly. 慢慢地改变是个好主意。
2. 温和建议
Why don't you exercise more? 你为什么不多运动一下呢?
You should eat healthier food. 你应当吃得更健康。
You might want to go to the gym after work. 你不妨下班后去健身房。
3. 强烈建议
You had better make some changes in your life. 你最好改变一下自己的生活。
He has to stop smoking. 他必须戒烟。
You must get some sleep! 你必须睡一会觉!
1. 用此类表达来谈论因果:
Stress leads to many other physical problems. 压力会导致其他多种身体疾病。
Poor diet and lack of exercise can cause high cholesterol. 不良饮食和缺乏锻炼可能导致高胆固醇。
Very often, overwork and fatigue result in anxiety. 工作过度和疲劳经常导致焦虑。
Insomnia can be caused by many different things. 失眠可能是由多种不同因素引起。
2. 名词 effect 与动词 affect 经常被混淆。 请看以下例子:
The effect of his insomnia was poor performance at work. 他失眠的影响是在工作中表现不佳。
His insomnia affected his performance at work. 他的失眠影响到自己的工作表现。
用此类表达来提供近似信息。 请注意此类表达在各个句子中的位置。
I work 50 hours or so a week. 我每周工作 50 来个小时。
I work 50 hours a week, more or less. 我每周工作 50 个小时左右。
I work around 50 hours a week. 我每周工作大约 50 个小时。
I work approximately 50 hours a week. 我每周大概工作 50 个小时。
I work about 50 hours a week. 我每周大约工作 50 个小时。
I work 50 hours a week, give or take. 我每周 50 个小时,或多或少。