021---What Do You Do?
A: Oh, look, there's Veronica and her boyfriend. She's always going on about him at the office. Oh, great, they saw us. They're coming this way.
B: Oh, man...
C: Jessica! Arthur! Hi! I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Greg, he's the V. P. of quality and safety for a top Fortune 500 food company.
A: Nice to meet you. This is my husband, Arthur.
B: Hey, how's it going?
D: Hello.
A: Veronica talks about you all the time. I guess you must be pretty busy at work.
D: Well, yeah, a V. P. position is not easy, you know! I implement policies and procedures nationwide of various departments, as well as train junior managers in FDA and EPA regulations. I also have to oversee daily operation of quality control for the entire East coast, that alone means I have 1500 employees under me.
B: Wow, yeah... that sounds exciting.
D: And what about you, Arthur? What do you do for a living?
B: Oh, I'm a Top Gun pilot!
1. V.P. = vice president 副总裁
2. Fortune 500 company 财富500强企业
3. implement 执行
4. policy 政策
5. oversee 监管
6. I have 1500 employees under me.
7. She's always going on about ... 唠叨,絮絮叨叨地说……
eg: My parents never stop going on about how I should study hard.
8. What do you do for a living? 你做什么工作?
=What's your job?/What do you do?
022---Christmas Chronicles II
A: Really, gentlemen, you can't take me to jail! Don't you know who I am? Kris Kringle, you know, Papa Noel, Pere Noel, Babbo Natale, sheng dan lao ren!
B: Yeah, Yeah, we've heard that one before, haven't we Joe?
C: Yeah, last week we booked this guy who claimed to be the tooth fairy! Can you believe that?
A: It's Christmas Eve and I have all these Presents to deliver! Where is your Christmas spirit? What will happen when all the children wake up tomorrow and don't find any gifts in their stockings?
B: Sorry buddy, you were parked in a no-parking zone, you were speeding,and you have no ID!
C: Besides that, even if we let you go now, your sleigh has been impounded and those reindeer were taken to the city zoo.
A: What! This is unbelievable! What's this world coming to? Christmas is ruined!
C: What's that up ahead? It looks like... elves!! Elves!! Whoa, they're shooting candy canes! Mayday, Mayday, we are under heavy attack! We need backup!
1. elf (复数elves) 精灵

2. candy cane 拐杖糖

3. book = arrest 逮捕
4. impund 没收
5. speeding 超速
6. ruin (= destroy) 毁坏
7. backup (=help) 支援,帮助
eg: call for backup/help
8. claim to 声称……
9. under heavy attack 受到猛烈袭击
10. no-parking zone 禁停区域
11. Mayday! 呼叫!(国际遇险无线电呼叫信号)
023---Making an Appointment
A: Hello, Fairbrook Consulting, how may I help you?
B: Yes, this is Julianne Horton, and I'm calling to arrange an appointment with Ms. McNealy.
A: Certainly, what day were you thinking of?
B: How's Thursday? Does she have any time available then?
A: Um. . . let me double check. . . unfortunately, she's booked solid on Thursday, how does next Monday work for you?
B: Actually, I've got something scheduled on Monday. Can she do Tuesday?
A: Sure, Tuesday's perfect. May I ask where you're calling from?
B: Sure, Merton Financial Advisors.
A: Oh, actually, Tuesday's no good. Sorry 'bout that.
1. financial advisor 财务顾问
2. available 有时间的,有空的(=free/not busy)
eg: Are you available tonight?
3. double check 再核对一下
eg: The meeting is at 8 o'clock, but let me double check.
4. scheduled (=plan)预先安排的
5. sb. /sth. be booked solid (=no free time) ……被预约满了
6. I'm calling to arrange an appointment with ...
7. How's Monday?周一怎么样?
8. work for you (=OK)
no good (not OK)
eg: Monday is no good, but Tuesday works for me.
024---Where should we eat?
A: Do you two have any plans for the evening?
B: We were thinking of checking out a restaurant in the neigbourhood. Do you have any suggestions?
A: I know this really nice Italian place. The food is fantastic, and the d′ecor is beautiful. I'd recommend giving it a try.
C: Actually, I'm not all that crazy about Italian food; I'm in the mood for something a bit lighter.
A: In that case, I know a great little bistro. They make a really tasty seafood platter; the fish is outstanding.
B: It sounds fantastic, but I'm allergic to seafood, so. . .
A: Okay, well, let me think. . . Oh, I know this great little place. It‘s just a hole in the wall, but they do the most amazing sandwiches. You gotta give them a try.
C: Ella, you took me there last time I visited, and I got food poisoning, remember?
1. food poisoning 食物中毒
2. be allergic to 对……过敏
eg: I'm allergic to flowers.
3. check out 试吃
eg: There is a new restaurant near here. How about checking it out?
4. bistro 小酒馆
5. be crazy about 喜欢
6. tasty (delicious/yummy) 美味的,好吃的
7. in the mood for 想要……
eg: I feel a little ill. I'm not in the mood for the basketball match.
8. Do you have any suggestions/thoughts/ideas?
9. I'd recommand giving it a try. 我推荐你们去试一下。
025---Planning For The Worst
A: Well, right, let's move to our next order of business, as many of you are aware, in recent weeks there has been a lot of media coverage surrounding this bird flu issue. And it's come to my attention that our company lacks any sort of bird flu contingency plan.
B: Basically, we need to come up with a clear plan; we need to outline specific actions that our company can take to maintain critical business functions in case a pandemic strikes.
A: So, what I'd like to do is: first appoint someone to look after drafting our plan; Ralph, I'd like you to head up this project.
C: Sure, no problem. What issues do you want me to consider?
B: Well, let's see, there are a few points we need to be thinking about. . . first, I'll need you to analyze our numbers and figure out what kind of financial impact an outbreak might have.
A: You'll also need to think about how we can avoid any of our employees getting infected; think of ways to reduce employee-customer contact, perhaps some IT solutions that will allow our people to work from home.
C: I guess you'll need me to forecast employee absences as well, right? And I'll think about the impact this will have on our clients. Hey, what about vaccines? Should we be thinking about getting vaccines for our employees?
A: Exactly right. So, I'll leave this to you, and we'll review the draft plan in two weeks. Okay, so, anyone want to order some KFC for lunch?
1. contigency plan 紧急措施
2. pandemic 流行性疾病
3. critical (very important) 关键的,重要 的
4. outbreak 爆发
5. forcast 预报,预测
weather forcast 天气预报
6. vaccine 疫苗
7. Let's move to another ... 让我们进入下一个……
8. come up with 想出
9. I'll leave it to you. 我就交给你了。