09110- 邓萌
《Hey Diddle Diddle》这本有声绘本读物最晚出现在16世纪:
1569年 Thomas Preston的剧作《A lamentable tragedy mixed ful of pleasant mirth, conteyning the life of Cambises King of Percia》中歌词是这样的:
They be at hand Sir with stick and fidle;
They can play a new dance called hey-didle-didle.
1597年 Alexander Montgomerie 的《 The Cherry and the Slae》写到:
But since you think't an easy thing
To mount above the moon,
Of your own fiddle take a spring
And dance when you have done.
宗师级经典童谣书《My very first mother goose》收录了它,可见它通篇文章是非常押韵琅琅上口的,非常适合低龄孩子磨耳朵用:Hey diddle diddle,the cat and the fiddle,the cow jumps overs the moon.
极具幻想色彩的句子:“the cow jumped over the moon”深深影响了沃特迪斯尼,所以牛跳月亮的这个图片相信大家在很多迪斯尼出品的作品上见到过,其他资料上也时有出现,几乎是幻想色彩的标志性图片了。