1、 [单选]以下都属于项目的事业环境因素,除了:The following are the enterprise environmental factors for the project, EXCEPT for:
A:公司的财务、人事和采购制度;The company's financial approval process;
B:相关的法律和行业规范;Relevant laws and industry norms;
C:公司的项目管理信息系统;The company's project management information system;
D:以往类似项目中获得的教训。Lessons learned from similar projects in the past.
2、 [单选]以下都属于组织治理框架的内容,除了:The following are the contents of the organizational governance framework, EXCEPT:
A:责任人唯一原则;The sole responsibility principle;
B:业务汇报层级;Business reporting level;
C:项目集和项目组合模式;Program and portfolio model;
D:应急响应程序。Emergency response procedures.
3、 [单选] 在多项目的环境下采用职能型组织结构时,可能存在以下问题,除了:The following problems can be found in the functional organizational structures in multiple projects environments,EXECPT:
A:项目绩效与部门绩效难以统一;project performance and department performance are difficult to be integrated;
B:项目成员更在意他们的职能专业,而不是项目目标;project members are more concerned with their functional specialties than project goals;
C:对客户需求的反应比较慢;slower response to client's requirements;
D:项目成员缺乏安全感和归属感。lack of security and perception of affiliation to project members.
4、 [单选] 项目经理做新项目所需的资源,必须由所有相关职能经理来分配和管理,这家公司的组织结构最可能是?The resources required by the project manager for the new project must be distributed and managed by all the relevant functional managers. The organization structure of this company is most likely?
A:平衡矩阵型组织balanced matrix
B:弱矩阵型组织weak matrix
C:强矩阵型组织strong matrix
D:职能型组织 functional
5、 [单选]对比职能型组织和矩阵型组织,下列表述正确的是:Which of the following statements is true compared to functional organization and matrix organization?
A:在职能型组织中,项目团队协作效率更高; In functional organization, project team is more efficient;
B:职能组织中项目经理都是全职的;Project managers in functional organizations are full-time;
C:矩阵组织中,团队成员通常向职能经理和项目经理同时汇报工作; In matrix organization, team member should report both to functional manager and project manager;
D:职能型组织中,项目经理拥有更高的权限。 In functional organizations, project managers have higher authority.
6、 [单选]项目经理正在忙于管理一个项目的过程中又接到一个新项目,而且这个新项目更为复杂。项目经理感到压力很大希望得到帮助,他了解到公司去年做过一个和这个新项目很类似的项目,他现在应该怎么办?The project manager is busy managing a project but get a new project, the new project is more complicated. The project manager is under a lot of pressure to get help, and he heard that a similar project had been done last year. What should he do now?
A:请教去年做过那个项目的成员,以获得经验;consult the members of the project last year to gain experience;
B:向职能经理申请更多资源;Apply for more resources from functional managers;
C:从PMO处获取历史记录及指导原则; Obtaining historical records and guiding principles from PMO;
D:推荐其他人担任这个新项目的项目经理。 Recommend other people to be the project manager for the new project.
解析:项目经理获取历史上做过的其它项目的资料(组织过程资产)的正规途径是通过PMO,因为组织过程资产是经过PMO的筛选、整理、评估、裁剪及保密设定。请教以前项目的成员应获得 PMO 的许可,且只能作为补充手段。
7、 [单选]一个项目团队将赶赴一个新的国家开展新项目,PMO可能提供以下支持,除了:A project team will go to a new country for new projects. PMO may provide the following support,EXCEPT:
A:提供在这个国家开展项目的最佳实践;Provide best practices for projects in this country;
B:提供针对这个国家法律、文化、当地习俗的专项培训;Provide special training for the laws, culture and local customs of this country;
C:提供这类项目的绩效报告模板;Provide templates for the performance report of such projects;
D:提供这个项目的相关方登记册。Provide register of stakeholders in this project.
8、 [单选]项目经理发现,项目上的工作经常被职能经理们以忙于其它更高优先级的项目而拖延,项目经理希望明确自己负责的项目处于什么优先级,以下谁对确定项目的优先级负责?Project managers find that works are often delayed by functional managers who are busy with other higher-priority projects. The project manager wants to clarify which priority his project is in. Who is responsible for determining the priority of projects?
A:项目隶属的项目集经理program manager of this project.
B:项目隶属的项目组合经理 portfolio manager of this project.
C:项目管理办公室project management office.
D:职能经理们的上级领导supervisors of functional managers.