11.6-Errors of Expression-Irrational Appeal
An irrational appeal encourages people to accept ideas for some reason other than reasonableness.
- 非理性的诉求鼓励人们出于某种原因而不是合理性去接受一些想法。
Such an appeal says, in effect, "There's no need to think critically about this idea or compare it with alternative ideas-just accept it."
- 这种诉求实际上说,没有必要对这个观点进行批判性思考,或者将其与其他可供选择的观点进行比较,只要接受它就可以了。
In reality, of course, it is always appropriate to think critically about ideas, becuase ideas that seem correct are sometimes incorrect and incorrect ideas can have harmful consequences.
- 当然,在现实中,对想法进行批判性思考总是合理的,因为看起来正确的想法有时候是不正确的,不正确的想法会产生有害的结果。
The most kinds of irrational appeals are to emotion, tradition, moderation, authority, common belief, and tolerance. However, it would be a mistake to conclude that every such appeal is necessarily irrational. Some appeals, as we will see, are legitimate; critical thinking demands that we discern which are rational and which are not.
- 最常见的非理性诉求是情感、传统,中庸,共同信仰和宽容。
- 然而,如果认为这些诉求时必然的非理性,那就误解了;
- 我们会看到,有些诉求是合理的;
- 批判性思考要求我们辨别出哪些是理性的,哪些不是;
Irrational appeal to emotion
A rational appeal to emotion not noly stimulates feelings but also demontrates their appropriateness to the ideas being presented.
- 对情感的理性诉求,不仅能激发情感,还能体现对于所提出的想法的适宜性;
For exmaple, a public service commercial against drunk driving might use an accident scene to make us feel sadness and pity for the victims and thus make more seriously the verbal message "Don't mix grinking and driving."
- 例如,一个反对酒后驾车的公共服务广告,可能会用一个事故现场让我们感到悲伤和同情受害者,
Such appeals are legitimate becuase they either explain the connection between the feelings and the ideas or at least invite us to think about that connection.
- 这种诉求是合理的,因为它们要么解释了感觉和想法之间的联系,要么至少让我们去思考这种联系。
Irrational appeal to Tradition
To be rational, an appeal to tradition must not only tell people how old and revered the tradition is but also show that it still deserves out endorsement.
- 理性地讲,对传统的呼吁不仅要告诉人们传统有多古老,有多受尊敬,还要表明它仍然值得我们认可;
An irrational appeal urges maintaining the tradition merely because we've always done so. Irrational appeals of this kind have been used to obstruct advances in every field, including science, technology, and medicine.
- 一种非理性的呼吁敦促人们保持传统仅仅是因为我们一直在这么做。
- 这种非理性的呼吁被用来阻碍各个领域的进步,包括科学、技术和医学。
Irrational appeal to Moderation
A rational appeal to moderation includes an explanation of why the more moderate idea or action is preferable to less moderate alternatives.
- 对适度的理性诉求包括解释为什么较适度的想法或行动比较不适度的选择更可取
An irrational appeal to moderation is offered on the erroneous presumption that moderation is always preferable.
- 对适度的非理性诉求是基于(适度总是更可取的)错误的假设。
Irrational appeal to authority
The authority cited may be a person, a book or document, or an agency( such as the Supreme Court.)
- 引用的权威可能是一个人,一本书或文档,或一个机构(如最高法院)
A rational appeal to authority says, or at least implies," Here is what one or more authorities say," and proceeds to show why that view should be accepted.
- 对权威的理性诉求表明,或至少按时, “以下是一个或多个权威的说法”, 并继续表明为什么该观点应该被接受;
An irrational appeal to authority says," Here is what one or more authorities say - accept it unquestioningly." Because authorities enjoy no special protection from error, the idea that their pronouncements should never be questioned is foolish and therefore unacceptable.
Irrational appeal to common belief
A rational appeal to common belief says,"Most people believe this," and goes on show the reasonableness of the belief.
- 对共同信仰的理性诉求说“大多数人相信这个”,然后继续证明这个信仰的合理性;
An irrational appeal to common belief says,"Believe this because most people believe it."
- 对共同信仰的非理性诉求是“相信这个是因为大多数人相信这个”
Such irrational appeal are often accompanied by statements such as "Everyone knows that," "No reasonable person would deny that," or " It's common sense."
- 这种非理性的诉求往往伴随着这样的说法,“每个人都知道”,“理性的人不会否认”,或者“这是常识”
The problem is, many ideas that were at one time accepted as common sense - sacrificing virgins to ensure a good harvest and abandoning babies to die because they were thought to be cursed, for example - are now recognized as uncommon nonsense or worse.
- 问题是,这些想法曾经被认为是常识 - 牺牲妇女以确保丰收,抛弃婴儿致死,因为他们被认为是被诅咒的-这些例子现在被认为是无稽之谈或者更糟;
The fact that many or most people believe something is not a sufficient reason for us to believe it.
- 许多人或者大多数人相信的事实,不是让我们去相信它的一个充分理由。
Irrational appeal to Tolerance
A rational appeal to tolerance explains why tolerance is appropriate in the particular situation in question.
- 对宽容的理性诉求解释了为什么宽容是在特殊情况下的适当的。
An irrational appeal says, "Because tolerance is good in general, it is the right response to every situation, including this one." This is sheer nonsense.
- 对宽容的非理性诉求会说“因为宽容一般来说是好的,它是对所有情况的正确反应,包括这个。”这是一派胡言