What does your father do?
He is a firefighter.
run fast swim fly hop climb trees Listen! Little wasps. T...
What does your father do? He is afirefighter. dress princess
fruit grandpa tree
你问我我也不知道a,这英文名是我妈起的 吃了 吃的是饭 UT因为小鬼已经和ky扯不开关系了,看个视频吧,就刷什么“...
Hello! This week on Ask a Teacherwe will answer a questio...
A2A:Ask to Answer,或Asked to Answer邀请回答 surface-street. No...
A Joke If somebody ask who you are, What answer do you th...
一、”How to ask questions, How to answer questions”,自己有几点反思...
Ifyou ask me where I like it most deeply, I will answer W...
No matter what u ask,the answer always is yes,I do. But,b...
本文标题:Ask and answer