Day 24.运动健身第24天,2021年9月9日完成4公里跑,

Day 24.运动健身第24天,2021年9月9日完成4公里跑,

作者: 来而不可失者时也 | 来源:发表于2021-09-10 19:41 被阅读0次


Mayor Peter flew sky high.

To  Peter's many other  Virtues优点美德, add those.  He is not delusional妄想的, and he can see beyond himself.

After recognizing that he had no path to the democratic presidential nomination on Sunday, he got out. No praying for a mirror, no waiting too long, no  Protected旷日持久的,缓慢的  melodrama情节剧 or slow building drum roll of  hints预兆提示.

He said that his campaign had send a message to every kid out there, wondering if whatever Marx them out as different means they are somehow destined to be less than they could look at him and see that someone who once felt that exam exact same way can become a leading American president, a presidential candidate with his husband at his side.

He was talking about the experience of being in a minority and being marginal marginalized, marginal, realize marginal realized and one of the great disappointments of his presidential presidential band was his inner ability to build a bridge between himself and others who have had that experience.

Politics at its worse is ugly  he said on Sunday night, but at his best,  politics  Can lift us up. It is moral, it is so craft. At his best, Peter demonstrated that.


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      本文标题:Day 24.运动健身第24天,2021年9月9日完成4公里跑,
