今天是大师游戏第162天星期三,继续读《Dark NLP》,前天写了晨间习惯,为了形成闭环,还需要养成晚间习惯。
Think of the morning and evening routines as two complementary pieces of the same puzzle. They are two boundaries of the day and by establishing them, you train your mind to think in terms of achieving a series of aims between the two bookmarks of the routines. So what exactly does an evening routine consist of, and what are its main objectives?
A successful evening routine has two main purposes - to relax the body and mind and prepare it for rest, and to reflect upon what has taken place during the day in terms of the outcomes attained. The order of the routine varies from person to person, and by experimenting with different routines, you will eventually find out what works for you. However, most routines consist of a mixture of the following processes.
By the end of the day, we will have accumulated a lot of baggage and stress. Our interactions with others over the course of the day will play out in our minds, and this can even sometimes stop us from sleeping. In order to empty our minds of our woes, meditation can be effective.
Firstly, get in a comfortable position, either sitting up or lying down. Close your eyes and take a series of deep breaths. Make sure that your focus is on the physical sensations present in your body.
Begin by tensing your toes, and holding them tight for several seconds. Then, allow your toes to relax, and notice the feeling of calm that floods into them. Sequentially work your way up your body, tensing each body part, and then relaxing it. Your awareness should be totally on your body, and away from your thoughts.
Sequentially work your way up your body, tensing each body part, and then relaxing it. Your awareness should be totally on your body, and away from your thoughts.
By the time you have worked your way up to your eyelids you should be feeling totally relaxed. It is not time to stop. Instead, picture the feeling of relaxation you experience as a small ball of white light. Where is the light located on your body? Is it glowing? Is it moving? Make the picture as real as you can in your mind.
Once you can picture the ball of light clearly, allow it to grow and expand. Picture it growing larger and larger, until it has surrounded your body. Allow your body to spend some time soaking in this relaxing white light, until a sense of deep relaxation permeates your whole being. Slowly, open your eyes.
You may wish to look back upon your written list of goals you reviewed at the start of the day. Which of them were you able to achieve? Which of them did you not achieve? What enabled you to achieve the goals you did, and what prevented you from meeting the ones you did not?
You may also wish to incorporate into your evening routine a process of visualizing the following day. This should involve having a clear image in your mind of how you want your tomorrow to pan out and the things you will achieve. By taking the time to visualize this, you prime your mind to make it happen, and you will be subtly influenced into taking actions that move you closer towards your intended outcome.
Rather than simply recording what has happened to you in the course of the day, you should focus on recording your internal thought processes at the time. You should also spend time pondering why you have arrived at the subjective understanding of the day, for example why has another meaning not seemed a better fit to you? By doing this, you will gain a greater understanding of your own thought processes and the way in which your mind operates. You can use this information to model your own peak states and enter into them more consistently.