长城 【数三一组】

长城 【数三一组】

作者: 1703张慧敏 | 来源:发表于2018-03-25 11:00 被阅读0次
长城 【数三一组】

when are you going to travel?

A sunny morning in March 24, 2018

where are you going to travel?
长城 【数三一组】

The Great Wall is very widely distributed. We went to badaling this time.  It is one of the eight sceneries of the Juyongguan Pass in the Ming dynasty .

how are you going to travel?

We want to know the Great Wall culture and deliecous food . Besides ,The most important thing about this trip is to climb the Great Wall. So our plan is to climb the Great Wall the first day. Then,The next day we will enjoy all kinds of delicious food.During the trip , We will meet different people from different places. In order to improve our communication ability ,  we are going to communicate with different people .For the next few days we're going to eat food and take pictures.


长城 【数三一组】
how long will the trip take?

the trip is going to take us a week . During this week, I believe we must have fun and gain a lot

who are you going to go with?

I will go to the Great Wall with my roommate.We live together every day,so we are very good friends.We often travel together.

长城 【数三一组】
what would you like to see/experience/do?

It is said that the scenery on the Great Wall is very beautiful. Standing on the Great Wall, you can see the mountain peaks in the clouds, as if you are in a fairyland. 

l would like to see rolling hills and flowers.last but not least,l would like to experience different things.

长城 【数三一组】
why do you deserve the award?

"He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man",as the saying goes.the great wall is very magnificent.climbing it is very proud for me.meanwhile,the great wall is popular with people.The Great Wall is an important place for military defense.so it's a good idea to visit it


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      本文标题:长城 【数三一组】
