

作者: 友才927 | 来源:发表于2025-01-18 22:43 被阅读0次


All major areas of insurance operations, except for the "home state" companies, experienced significantly poorer results for the year.

The direct business of National Indemnity Company, our largest area of insurance activiy, produced an underwriting loss of approximately 4% after several years of high profitability. Volume increased somewhat, but we are not encouraging such increases until rates are more adequate. At some point in the cycle, after major insurance companies have had their fill of red ink, history indicates that we will experience an inflow of business at compensatory rates. This operation, headed by Phil Liesche, a most able underwriter, is staffed by highly profit-oriented people and we believe it will provide excellent earnings in most future years, as it has in the past.

Intense competition in the reinsurance business has produced major losses for practically every company operating in the area. We have been no exception. Our underwriting loss was something over 12% - a horrendous figure, but probably little different from the average of the industry. What is even more frightening is that, while about the usual number of insurance catasthophes occured during 1974, there really was no "super disaster" which might have accounted for the poor figures of the industry. Rather, a condition of inadequate rates prevails, particularly in the casulty area where we have significant exposure. Our reinsurance department is run by George Young, an exceptionally competent and hardworking manager. He has cancelled a great many contracts where prices are totally inadequate, and is making no attempt to increase volume except in areas where premiums are commensurate with risk. Based upon present rate levels, it seems highly unlikely that the reinsurance industry generally, or we, specifically, will have a profitable year in 1975.

Our "home state" companies, under the leadership of John Ringwalt, made good progress in 1974. We appear to be developing a sound agency group, capable of producing business with acceptable loss ratios. Our expense ratios still are much too high, but will come down as the operation develops into units of economic size. The Texas problem which was commented upon in last year's report seems to be improving. We consider the "home state" operation one of our most promising areas for the future.

27.outstanding claim:未决索赔



