28名男女酒店参加淫乱性爱派对 泰国警方突袭扫黄一窝端

28名男女酒店参加淫乱性爱派对 泰国警方突袭扫黄一窝端

作者: iGlobalist | 来源:发表于2018-04-23 21:47 被阅读103次

The grim reality of Pattaya's 'meat markets' where teenagers sell themselves for sex - as Australian men are caught having an orgy with younger women
28名男女酒店参加淫乱性爱派对 泰国警方突袭扫黄一窝端

A dramatic hotel raid on an orgy attended by dozens of western men in Thailand has shone a spotlight on the country's seedy sex trade.

Confronting footage taken during the raid on Saturday night revealed a glimpse of Thailand's dark underbelly, where tourists including those from Europe, America and Australia travel for sex.

The raid took place in Pattaya, which is often referred to as the sex capital of the world and has a well-established reputation for prostitution.

Thailand has tried and failed to ban the nation's infamous sex trade. Prostitution is illegal in Thailand, but the law is largely ignored.

Pictures taken from Pattaya's sordid strip two years ago show young women pole dancing inside bars while others market services on the street.

The photos show the sheer extent of the sex trade, with men lining up to pay women who are selling themselves like meat.

The main streets of Pattaya's red-light district show bars with flashing lights, and enticing names, like 'Dream Bar' and 'Wildcats'.

The sex trade is one of the city's most profitable, and is the reason thousands of tourists flock to Pattaya year-round.

Thailand has been ranked as one of the best tourist destinations in the world.

There were 35 million visitors to the country in 2017 alone, with forecasts expecting the number to grow with each year.  

In the footage to surface on Monday, the 28 men involved in an orgy were mostly westerners – Australians, Americans, Canadians, Brits and Germans.

Naris Niwapantawong, District Sheriff in the Banglamung area of Pattaya, said the men from many different countries 'exchanged partners with each other'.  
芭堤雅邦拉蒙区(Banglamung)治安官纳里斯(Naris Niramaiwong)声称,这些不同国籍的涉案男子互相交换了性爱伴侣。

'We received a complaint about the Tulip Hotel. We were told they organised sex parties at the weekends,' he said.

'My staff co-ordinated with police, immigration and the military to strike quickly and accurately.

'We carried out the operation while they were having sex and we shut them down.'

The Tulip Hotel in South Pattaya has 30 rooms over four different floors. It is split into several zones, with the one floor dedicated as the 'play zone'.Officers said that 'almost all the participants' were in the play zone when the building was raided.

There were also three hotel staff, who were tasked with serving hot tea to the guests, cleaning up the rooms and joining in with the sex games.

Condoms, lubricants and sex toys were also found scattered around the building and collected as evidence.

The hotel owner Sheng Liao Yang, 53, from China was arrested on suspicion of running a hotel without a license and hosting obscene events.
现年53岁的涉案酒店老板杨盛寥(音译 中国籍)涉嫌无证经营和举办淫乱派对遭逮捕。

Sheriff Niwapantawong added: 'To attend the event, participants had to register through a website. There was a rule that party members must be male and female couples. The cost per night was 1,500 baht per person.



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    本文标题:28名男女酒店参加淫乱性爱派对 泰国警方突袭扫黄一窝端
