
作者: 鲜宇夫 | 来源:发表于2019-10-22 06:26 被阅读0次

    Sometimes I dream of meeting some people in real life

    I can't understand why there is such a dream

    Is it true that people in my dreams are really important to myself

    A lot of times I wish it was just a dream

    I know I've passed the age of patriotic dream

    Of course, it also belittles many people and things

    My life doesn't need to be too crowded

    A lot of things are not as good for me as a dream

    Now the heart is so calm during this time

    Maybe I understand what I want

    So I put down a lot of people and things

    Such a day is a carefree day

    I don't understand how long this state will last

    I know that I found myself in my twenties

    I have seen the most beautiful scenery and the most ugly humanity

    Fortunately, I am still myself




