
作者: 于帅Jacob | 来源:发表于2018-08-27 21:58 被阅读0次

I ran 5000m after work today and used 23’46 which was my second fastest speed at such a distance. I planed to run 10 kilometers but after I ran about 300m, I found my body was at a good state and then I decided to ran as fast as I could to finish 5 kilometers. I spent 40 more seconds than my fastest speed. When I finished, my body was still at a good state. It was very exciting to run in my full strength. You could find that you could do better if you practice harder and try a little harder. Running is just so simple. You run and you get positive feedback.

When I run, I don’t have to compare with anybody. I just care about whether my body could support such a high speed. I’ll feel a little tired at the final circle but it distract me from my normal life and give me a breath from the busy life. I feel I’m the only person while running on the street.

Running in the morning is a little hard for me now and I plan to run more after work which could give more time to work in the early morning. Maybe I could do push-ups when I wake up to wake the whole day. But I really like watching the sun arising from the horizon while running in the very early morning which gives me much more power. The road is like on fire.


We’ll go to Weihai next month and I hope I could run a semi-marathon and watch the sunrise. Run in the nature and charge myself.


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