An Excerpt from Affectation
By Lord Chesterfield
1.Most people complain of fortune, few of nature; and the kinder they think the latter has been to them, the more they murmur at what they call the injustice of the former.
2.Why have not I the riches, the rank, the power, of such and such, is the common expostulation with fortune: but why have not I the merit, the talents, the wit, or the beauty of such and such others, is a reproach rarely or never made to nature.
3.The truth is, that nature, seldom profuse, and seldom niggardly, has distributed her gifts more equally than she is generally supposed to have done.
4.Education and situation make the great difference. Culture improves, and occasions elicit, natural talents.
5.I make no doubt but that there are potentially, if I may use that pedantic word, many Bacons, Lockes, Newtons, Caesars, Cromwells, and Marlboroughs, at the plough-tail, behind counters, and, perhaps, even among the nobility; but the soil must be cultivated, and the seasons favourable, for the fruit to have all its spirit and flavour.
菲利普·道摩·斯坦霍普,切斯特菲尔德第四任伯爵(Earl of Chesterfield,1694-1773年),出生于英国伦敦富有的贵族家庭,是当时名声显赫的**家和文人,曾任驻荷兰大使、爱尔兰总督及Minister of State等职位。切斯特菲尔德伯爵在世时以优美的文笔,圆滑的外交手腕还有幽默感出名,但今天为人们所记住则是作为一位父亲,因为他给私生子菲利普·斯坦霍普(Philip Stanhope)写了多年非常有意义的信。这些信件风格简洁优美、充满了处事智慧、睿智的建议和犀利的评论,并在19世纪被编印成册,首次出版发行,成为当时风靡一时的畅销书。直到今天书中还有不少箴言,被作为经典广为引用。