推酷《Guru Weekly》第四十八期

作者: 推酷 | 来源:发表于2016-10-27 15:04 被阅读42次

推酷诚意满满的英文技术周刊《Guru Weekly》, 下面是内容列表,干货多多,也可以移步到官网进一步阅读


  1. Responsive Images with Client Hints

  2. Tips for using async functions (ES2017)

  3. Functional CSS From A Pure UI Perspective

  4. Designing Grids

  5. Why We Chose Vue JS

  6. fast-async

  7. Improving Perceived Performance with Multiple Background Images

  8. Solving Problems With CSS Grid and Flexbox: The Card UI

  9. Is MVC dead for the frontend?

  10. Migrating Angular 1 Applications to Angular 2 in 5 Simple Steps

  11. React Fine Uploader - The start of a Flexible & Powerful file upload widget for react


  1. Vue vs. React/Angular 1/Angular 2

  2. Build a Bookshop with React & Redux I: React Redux Flow

  3. Background Modes Tutorial: Getting Started

  4. Kotlin For Android: An Introduction


  1. 9 reasons you should be using PyCharm

  2. Qt bindings for Go #ui

  3. Fixing Python Performance with Rust

  4. Introducing Go 2.0

  5. How JVM Works – JVM Architecture?

  6. C++ template metaprogramming introduction

  7. Building RESTful APIs With Flask: ORM Independent

  8. Using the Netflix stack with Spring boot: Ribbon


  1. A Guide to the Percona Monitoring and Management Demo

  2. A comparison of state-of-the-art graph processing systems

  3. Graceful shutdown with Node.js and Kubernetes


  1. The Neural Network Zoo

  2. Awesome Tensorflow: A curated list of Tensorflow resources

  3. Using Machine Learning to Detect Malicious URLs

  4. Using Tensorflow and Support Vector Machine to Create an Image Classifications Engine

  5. NumPy Tutorial: Data analysis with Python


  1. Speed up your sites with HTTP/2

  2. A chat client built on git

  3. How does the future look for AngularJS?

  4. Let's Go: Testing Golang Programs

  5. Awesome .NET – A collection of .NET libraries, tools, frameworks, and software

  6. SSH Tunnel - Local and Remote Port Forwarding Explained With Examples



    本文标题:推酷《Guru Weekly》第四十八期
