
作者: 三门峡756马青云 | 来源:发表于2018-10-31 15:02 被阅读32次


Whitney, the chief architect of the world's standardization system, Whitney, Whitney, you are the father of the world's standardization management. Not only do you let American farmers, arms merchants, cost-effective, inexpensive, well-heeled, but you also ask the president of the motherland to defend his sovereignty, to raise his breath, to be open-minded, to sing and shine your wisdom in every corner of the world. The method is always more difficult than the practice, and the practice innovation will bear fruit. Today, in order to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in a well-off society in an all-round way, and thoroughly implement the "nine perseverance" and comprehensively implement the goal of educating people, we learn that you surpass you and that you surpass you.


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