Leon and Amy:
你喜欢做生意吗,你会怎样开始新的生意?Do you like doing business? How will you start a new business?做生意,do business. 开始,start.
这个项目可行吗?Is this project feasible/working?项目,project.可行,feasible/working,feasible比较少用,working用的比较多。我们学英语是用来交流的,应该多掌握简单的单词和短语,不要过于追求复杂或高深的用语。英语是一门语言,首先我们要学会模仿,打好基础之后才谈得上创新,未学走先学跑是行不通的。
需要多少预算?How much budget is required/needed? 预算,budget. 需要,require/need.
风险有多高?How high is the risk? 风险,risk. 高,high. 不要这样做,太冒险了。Don't do this, it's too risky.
最好和最坏的结果是什么?What is the best and worst outcome/result? 最好,best.好,good.更好,better.最好,best. 最坏,worst. 坏,bad. 更坏,worse. 最坏,worst. 结果,outcome,result.
你真的想这样做吗?Do you really want to do this? 真的,really.
你需要多少时间?How much time do you need? 时间,time.
你的团队有多少人?How many people are there in your team? 人,people. 团队,team.
如果没有人的话,你需要招人,或者你只能自己干了。If there is no one, you need to recruit some people, or you can only do it by yourself. 如果,if. 招人,recruit,hire. 只能,only. 你自己,yourself. 你只能靠自己了。You are on your own.
有志者事竟成。 Where there is a will, there is a way. 意志,will. 路、方法,way.
尽管去做吧! Just do it!
祝你好运。 Good luck.