I was accepted by AIESEC UNDIP last winter,as a volunteer teacher of EduAction. I am Really Really happy to be able to have such an experience;making friends from all over the world,sharing my culture with students and local teachers,enjoying the life in Indonesia.
My story in Indonesia(特别可惜,知道最后一天要离开的时候,我才有机会去到这个小镇的town square,才有机会逛遍整个儿小镇,见到一些三宝垄的新城旧城。那天我破天荒地没有在车上睡着。)
My story in Indonesia(据说婆罗浮屠是地标性建筑,是相当于长城的地位的建筑,大概我少了些文化积淀,只是觉得它像好时kisses巧克力很可爱~)
Before i went there,i felt nervous to make accquaintance with strangers,and the same with conmunicating with foreigners in English although i major in English. During my experience,i felt happy to be with different friends from different backgrounds.I am not afraid of making mistakes,that strengthened my confidence and my optimism.I know how to live in Indonesia,and i want to go there again because i have friends and like-families there.
My story in Indonesia(我的一小撮朋友们,都超级nice的,爱他们!)
Every experience has its own value,no matter good or bad. All we need is the courage to take the first step!
My story in Indonesia以上这些是我在回国两天后发给对方AIESEC分会的,算是一段小小的feedback吧。其实自己真正的变化只有自己和亲近熟悉我的人知道。
My story in Indonesia(这是我出国前参加的会议。这个时候的我还战战兢兢,懵懵懂懂的,还是个对外界一无所知的中国公民。)
My story in Indonesia(这张照片是我第一次坐吉普车上火山,活火山!在我经历了一些类似跟着贝尔去冒险的事情之后!我还能笑得这么开心,因为对这个世界充满了好奇心,觉得自己在朝着世界公民的方向发展!)
My story in Indonesia(这是一张在机场送别朋友的照片,而我将在一周后也从这个机场起飞。当时我没有什么感觉,可是回家以后,再看到我的住家和我的朋友们,晚上关了灯却睡不着,辗转反侧,心里难受得很。)
My story in Indonesia走吧走吧!祝你好运!
My story in Indonesia