Acomparison of the unemployment

作者: 绯翼遗响 | 来源:发表于2018-06-27 23:15 被阅读12次

    20151302944 New media1502 LiJunJie

    This is a comparison chart of theunemployment rate of the permanent members of the United Nations in the pastfive years. I did this because I want to show the unemployment gap betweenChina and other countries, and the trend of the change in the unemployment ratein China, so I chose the four other countries that were the permanent membersof the United Nations as a comparison. And this is the finished chart.

    We can get a lot of information from this chart.

    First, the unemployment rate in France ismuch higher than that in the other four countries. Secondly, In addition to theunemployment rate in Russia, the unemployment rate of the other four countriesshows a downward trend. In the end, the employment rate in China is relativelylow, But the gap is not very big.

    Only third of them are related to myexpectations. The other two points are observed in the contents of the imagepresentation. But it's not strange, the image can be rendered more intuitivelythan the number, so obviously, when we turn data into charts, we can see moreclearly. But different charts will also make different results. Why do I use a linechart? Then I'll talk about the reasons for choosing a line chart.

    I have three reasons to choose the line chart.Using this chart. First, there are five countries the lines that have differentcolors are concise and clear, which can clearly distinguish the data ofdifferent countries. Secondly, this is the data of time span. In addition todisplaying different time data, the line chart can also show the trend ofchange through lines. This is two birds with one stone. Third, the datacontrast of the line chart is more stereoscopic, it can be compared bothhorizontally and vertically. This will make the reader feel better.

    The biggest difficulty in making this chartis data acquisition. In fact, I find it difficult to find the annualunemployment rate of a country. Only two years of data can be found in theState Statistical Bureau. But I still found the official media's reference tothe unemployment rate very easily. But the unemployment rate in other countriesis more difficult to find. Well, it is not difficult to find the data of theunemployment rate, it's hard to find the data for the annual unemployment rate.In fact, the annual unemployment rate in this chart is mostly calculated by me.Like the United States, I use monthly data to sum up and calculate the average.As for France, I use quarterly data to sum up and calculate the average.In anycase, the final result is true after comparing it with other information inother web pages. Even if there is an error, it's just a tiny degree.

    Finally, I said a shortcoming. I think Ican choose more countries to compare, it only takes time to do more computationand collection, and in the end we can get more conclusions. But I may need touse other charts because there are more countries.



        本文标题:Acomparison of the unemployment
