Me: Good morning honey :) I might need go to Chicago with Hiccup.
Bee: What? Why?
Me: It is complicated. I just want to find a corner to cry. Sigh. The pain part is not that, is I have to offer Hiccup s father s ID. Damn it!
Bee: I found out that they canceled my work on Saturday. They forgot to schedule it properly, so they have to reschedule it for a later time. So, I have off on
Saturday. :-)
Me: That's the best news of today for me!
Bee: Do you still want to hang out? :-)
Me: Can we?
Bee: As long as you agree to play one game of Magic the gathering with me, it's a date. ;-)
Me: I want to play two rounds! :)
Bee: We will see what you feel like then.
Do you know what time you're getting off of work on Saturday?
Me: 4. I will get off at 4 no matter what is the schedule says. :)
Bee: LOL, OK. :-)
Me: Honey please consider my offer, 250$ for Chicago trip. Free meals and drinks . If I use Uber, more than 250$ only for the transportation. I could use car pool, but I need take both kids with me, I want them safe. I texted kids’ father, he hasn't responded yet. If he says no, I will ask him one more time by explaining the benefits if I and Lele visit China, if still he says No, then I will use his passport copy which I reserved for urgent use, make the appointment, take the divorce papers, to see my luck. If I fail, I will wait to stand my own feet then go for sole custody. I can't and will not bring him to the court as long as I live here.
Bee: No problem. I can take you. You pay for the fuel and expense. I'm not a taxi driver, so there's no need to pay me 250 bucks.
Me: No Honey, taking 250$ is the condition. ;) You will need take off from your work.
Bee: $170. That would be enough to pay for my tinted windows, and the gas.
Me: 250$ no bargain.
Bee: It's rude not to Hagel. 🤔
Me: You know if I want to rent a handsome as a company and driver how much I would be charged? A handsome like you. ;)
Bee: Are you saying that I'm a prostitute?
Me: Of course not. Honey I would never mean that!
Bee: Relax, I'm kidding. LOL
Conversation between me and kids father.
Me: I m gathering the documents for applying Hiccup s travel permit to China. As he was born in China so he need a travel permit instead of Visa, though I and you divorced but when he was born we were together, your passport and copy also China visa copy (2012) are needed for this application. I called Chicago embassy, they said the same. So could you please let me have these documents for one day, the day I and Lele will be in Chicago China Embassy? I know it is a big favor, I promise I won’t lose, or damage your things. You don’t need be there, I have to.
(Few hours later)Me: ?
He: Don’t you just need the copies?
Me: They need original too. I wish they wouldn’t, so I called them right away. Unfortunately they need that.
He: Then I will go because there is no way I’m giving up my passport, I need it to be safe and the only way I trust it is with me.
Me: Ok. Thanks for showing there. I will pay you gas and any road expense (like entry fee &parking if any). You will need take off from work then. I got Hicvup’s picture taken, once I get the digital file, I can make the appointment and tell you the date.
Me: Good morning honey!Hiccup’s father doesn't trust me, he won't let me have his passport stuff, so he says he is going with us. I am sorry baby I have to change the plan.
Bee: OK.
Me: I am happy that he cooperates this time, but also disappointing that I and you can not go on the trip.
Bee: Easy come easy go. There will be other times with other trips.