2.4 People

作者: N次方cs | 来源:发表于2020-02-17 08:42 被阅读0次

The People section of SCOR was introduced in SCOR 10 and provides a standard for describing skills required to perform tasks and manage processes. 

Generally, these skills are supply chain specific. 

Some skills identified may be applicable outside the supply chain process domain.

Skills are described by a standard definition and association to other People aspects: Experiences,Trainings and Competency level.

Competency level is not included in the framework descriptions.

SCOR recognizes 5 commonly accepted competency levels:

    • Novice: Untrained beginner, no experience, requires and follows detaileddocumentation

    • Beginner: Performs the work, with limited situational perception.

    • Competent: Understands the work and can determine priorities to reach goals.

    • Proficient: Oversees all aspects of the work and can prioritize based on situational aspects.

    • Expert: Intuitive understanding. Experts can apply experience patterns to new situations.

These competency levels are used similarly as process or practice maturity levels. The person or job specification is evaluated on the found (person) or desired (job specification) level of competency.

Codification within the People section consists of coding of the Skills as well as the Experiences and Training that define the Skills. 

All People elements start with a capital letter H followed by a capital letter representing the element: S for Skills, E for Experiences and T for Trainings. 

These are followed by a period and a four-digit number. For example, HS.0046 is the code for “ERP Systems” skill, HT.0007 is the code for APICS CSCP training

SCOR的人员部分在SCOR 10中引入,并为描述执行任务和管理流程所需的技能提供了一个标准。






    • 新手:未经训练的新手,没有经验,需要并遵循详细的文档。

    •  胜任的:理解工作,并能确定实现目标的优先级。

    • 精通:监督所有方面的工作,并能根据情况优先排序。

    • 专家:直觉理解。专家可以将经验模式应用于新情况。






例如,HS.0046是“ERP系统”技能的代码,HT.0007是APICS CSCP培训的代码。


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    本文标题:2.4 People
