她是你,她是我,她是你我身边的平凡人 - 有感于同事写给我的公开

她是你,她是我,她是你我身边的平凡人 - 有感于同事写给我的公开

作者: xwgong | 来源:发表于2018-09-04 18:12 被阅读774次


    九月一号凌晨,是我离开帝斯曼公司的第一时刻,我沉浸在回忆中一直不想去睡,打开手机乱翻我的领英主页上世界各地新老朋友的留言,突然一行字闪现在我的眼前,让我的眼睛一亮,那行字是:“An Open Acknowledgement of a Hero: ...” 即“对一个英雄:... 的公开致谢” 冒号后面写的是我的名字。














    现在我刚从任职二十几年的帝斯曼离开,我必须承认, Sonia和很多同事给我的鼓励就像春雨冬阳那么滋润温暖。Sonia以及这些年来我身边很多像Sonia这样的无名英雄,每个人都带着他们的历史,他们的包袱,他们的梦想,打破一层一层的天花板,独自走着家族、前人没有走过的路,他们让我在我的职业生涯中体会到强烈的人性的希望和光芒。我深感幸运之余,怎可不加倍珍惜、挚爱我的人生,挚爱我身边所有给予我力量的人!








    附Sonia Dawson 领英网发的公开信原文:

    An Open Acknowledgement of a Hero: Ms. Xiangwei Gong

    Xiangwei Gong is truly the stuff legends are made of. You don’t have to spend long with her before it is clear that you are in the presence of a powerhouse. Peter Drucker said “whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.” While Xiangwei has made many courageous decisions that have led to impressive business growth, I want to tell you about one that she made long before she ever stepped into the corporate world.

    Xiangwei was born as the youngest of 3 children, at the end of China’s Cultural Revolution, a very difficult era in Chinese history. Her family was poor, as many families were back then. Additionally, her mother was illiterate and suffered greatly from not being able to read and write. Nevertheless, she was wise and strong and determined to send Xiangwei to school and have her receive the best education. By the time Xiangwei went to school, education itself was free in her country, but it required moving, so her family still had to pay for her living expenses in Beijing. Her parents made a meager income of about $10 per month, and almost 50% went to support Xiangwei living in Beijing during her study. As soon as her older brothers started working, they then helped her parents to support her so that she could buy books, clothing and travel to visit home.

    I can’t imagine what it took to have an entire family come together to propel just one among them forward. While Xiangwei thought the gift was entirely too generous, she courageously decided to say yes– an investment that her future success would go on to repay 1000-fold.

    Xiangwei’s courage has become her trademark. She has held leadership roles around the world – in the US, Europe and Asia. When I had the honor of working for her 10 years ago, she was the head of DSM’s Personal Care division for North America. During her tenure, the North American PC team doubled business in three years. She went on to lead a team that launched DSM’s first B2C products, and then to lead a team that built DSM’s first China-based global business unit: DSM Hydrocolloids.

    I mention team deliberately. Xiangwei would never allow me to credit her alone, though her power, her passion about business and life are truly extraordinary. She is the type of leader that not only cares that her team does great work, but that they have great lives. She is the type of leader who, as one of our former colleagues loved to say about her, in times of success would never take the credit as her own but would acknowledge her team, and in times of failure would never blame the team but would own the failure as her own.

    I have many fond memories of Xiangwei, but my favorite memory of her is a conversation we had when I was in a period of discouragement around my career. She wasn’t even my manager anymore at that time but had always made herself available for advice and coaching. I remember telling her that I didn’t feel good enough and though I can’t remember all of the conversation, this part I will never forget for as long as I live. She said:

    “Are you kidding me?? Knock it off with this ‘I’m not good enough’ nonsense! Of course you’re good enough. In fact, you’re better than good enough – you’re great, and you need to stop saying otherwise. There are people that look up to you and are counting on you. This ‘not good enough’ is a disservice to the people that invested in you, to the community that sacrificed for you. Do not ever say you’re not good enough again. Now get out of here and go be great!”

    And with that kick in the pants, I was sent on my way!

    Xiangwei lives by the principle that her life and her success is never hers alone. She continually acknowledges that she would not be where she is without the sacrifice of others – whether it be her family or her teams. She does not take those sacrifices lightly. While she continually pushes herself to break through new doors, she always holds it open for others to pass through.

    Today, Xiangwei concludes over 20 years of service to DSM to embark on a new role as President of the Asia region and member of the Executive Committee at AptarGroup.

    People of AptarGroup – Congratulations! You are receiving a gem.

    Dearest Xiangwei – on behalf of all of the people here that you have inspired and empowered, I thank you. On behalf of anyone that I get to make a difference for because of the difference you made for me, I thank you. Thank you for leaving a powerful legacy. Even your shadow will continue to inspire.

    With all my love and gratitude,




      • sarawei110704:还没看文章只看图片的时候真以为是您的照片呢,就是头发短了点。
      • 9189e24ad829:福南的妹子😀😀😀
      • 啦啦美少女:作为90后女性,备受鼓舞。
      • 夏威一一:坦诚真实 自然流露的语言,一直都是你的风格.谢谢你让我们看到自由且奋斗不止的你,每次都备受激励!
        xwgong:@_时差 感谢你的仔细阅读和留言。
      • 健康助手小泡泡:看到Sonia买下图片版权用于文章,真的非常羡慕,羡慕她能如此尊重版权,羡慕可能所处的“文明”环境。湘伟姐的文章总喜欢慢慢看,来不及看完,先来留言:high_brightness:
        xwgong:@健康助手小泡泡 你好可爱啊。
      • ZHOULI0503:我记得曾经在另一个故事中也有这个Sonia,可见不一般。为一张照片支付使用版权费,真是觉得印象深刻。为美好的人们点赞👍
      • 永恒的月亮:字里行间都是故事:heart::heart::heart::+1:
      • 简之宁:相信你和Sonia一路走来的故事和经历会鼓舞到更多的人。“女性要学会放大另一个女性的声音,并不断去提升对方”,为你们点一百个赞:+1::+1:为你们骄傲:cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom:
      • 李默遥:开拓的勇气比什么都重要👍👍👍

      本文标题:她是你,她是我,她是你我身边的平凡人 - 有感于同事写给我的公开
