

作者: 郭永峰IT教育工作室 | 来源:发表于2020-09-18 14:47 被阅读0次

What is one thing most successful people have in common?


They get up extra early and make the most of the mornning.


Here's why waking up early gives you time to think before the buzz of the day begins.

To put it simply, the early mornning is you time.

A time to lay out your priorities for the day and make progress against them before others are demanding your time and attention.

It puts you firmly in control of each day.

Of course, it is awfully hard to get out of bed.

But that's exactly why early risers have the competitive advantage over everyone else.

They tackled a day while others hit the snooze button.


Here are just a few examples of ultra successful early day risers.

Virgin founder Richard Branson wakes up at 5:45 am. even when he's on his private island,

and uses the mornning for exercise and breakfast before starting work for the day.

Former first lady Michelle Obama starts a day at 4:30 am. befor a workout before her kids wake up.

Apple CEO Tim Cook gets up at 3:45 am every day to catch up on email(处理邮件).

hit the gym and make a Startbucks run before heading to the office.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz gets up at 4:30 am to get a workout in, often a bike ride with his wife.

and of course, to make some coffee to get his day going.

Disney CEO Bob Iger rises at 4:30 am

and uses the early mornning to read the pager,exercise,listen to music, catch up on emails and even watch TV.

Did you notice another consistent trend among all of these ultra successful people.

Everyone's mornning ritual includes exercise as a key component.


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