

作者: wangafu | 来源:发表于2020-07-27 10:15 被阅读0次



     def set_use_carla_coordinate_system():
            CARLA internally uses a left-hand coordinate system (Unreal), but OpenSCENARIO and OpenDRIVE
            are intended for right-hand coordinate system. Hence, we need to invert the coordinates, if
            the scenario does not use CARLA coordinates, but instead right-hand coordinates.
            OpenScenarioParser.use_carla_coordinate_system = True
        def convert_position_to_transform(position, actor_list=None):
            Convert an OpenScenario position into a CARLA transform
            Not supported: Road, RelativeRoad, Lane, RelativeLane as the PythonAPI currently
                           does not provide sufficient access to OpenDrive information
                           Also not supported is Route. This can be added by checking additional
                           route information
            if position.find('WorldPosition') is not None:
                world_pos = position.find('WorldPosition')
                x = float(world_pos.attrib.get('x', 0))
                y = float(world_pos.attrib.get('y', 0))
                z = float(world_pos.attrib.get('z', 0))
                yaw = math.degrees(float(world_pos.attrib.get('h', 0)))
                pitch = math.degrees(float(world_pos.attrib.get('p', 0)))
                roll = math.degrees(float(world_pos.attrib.get('r', 0)))
                if not OpenScenarioParser.use_carla_coordinate_system:
                    y = y * (-1.0)
                    yaw = yaw * (-1.0)
                return carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=x, y=y, z=z), carla.Rotation(yaw=yaw, pitch=pitch, roll=roll))
            elif ((position.find('RelativeWorldPosition') is not None) or
                  (position.find('RelativeObjectPosition') is not None) or
                  (position.find('RelativeLanePosition') is not None)):
                rel_pos = position.find('RelativeWorldPosition') or position.find(
                    'RelativeObjectPosition') or position.find('RelativeLanePosition')
                # get relative object and relative position
                obj = rel_pos.attrib.get('object')
                obj_actor = None
                actor_transform = None
                if actor_list is not None:
                    for actor in actor_list:
                        if actor.rolename == obj:
                            obj_actor = actor
                            actor_transform = actor.transform
                    for actor in CarlaDataProvider.get_world().get_actors():
                        if 'role_name' in actor.attributes and actor.attributes['role_name'] == obj:
                            obj_actor = actor
                            actor_transform = obj_actor.get_transform()
                if obj_actor is None:
                    raise AttributeError("Object '{}' provided as position reference is not known".format(obj))
                # calculate orientation h, p, r
                is_absolute = False
                if rel_pos.find('Orientation') is not None:
                    orientation = rel_pos.find('Orientation')
                    is_absolute = (orientation.attrib.get('type') == "absolute")
                    dyaw = math.degrees(float(orientation.attrib.get('h', 0)))
                    dpitch = math.degrees(float(orientation.attrib.get('p', 0)))
                    droll = math.degrees(float(orientation.attrib.get('r', 0)))
                if not OpenScenarioParser.use_carla_coordinate_system:
                    dyaw = dyaw * (-1.0)
                yaw = actor_transform.rotation.yaw
                pitch = actor_transform.rotation.pitch
                roll = actor_transform.rotation.roll
                if not is_absolute:
                    yaw = yaw + dyaw
                    pitch = pitch + dpitch
                    roll = roll + droll
                    yaw = dyaw
                    pitch = dpitch
                    roll = droll
                # calculate location x, y, z
                # dx, dy, dz
                if ((position.find('RelativeWorldPosition') is not None) or
                        (position.find('RelativeObjectPosition') is not None)):
                    dx = float(rel_pos.attrib.get('dx', 0))
                    dy = float(rel_pos.attrib.get('dy', 0))
                    dz = float(rel_pos.attrib.get('dz', 0))
                    if not OpenScenarioParser.use_carla_coordinate_system:
                        dy = dy * (-1.0)
                    x = actor_transform.location.x + dx
                    y = actor_transform.location.y + dy
                    z = actor_transform.location.z + dz
                # dLane, ds, offset
                elif position.find('RelativeLanePosition') is not None:
                    dlane = float(rel_pos.attrib.get('dLane'))
                    ds = float(rel_pos.attrib.get('ds'))
                    offset = float(rel_pos.attrib.get('offset'))
                    carla_map = CarlaDataProvider.get_map()
                    relative_waypoint = carla_map.get_waypoint(actor_transform.location)
                    if dlane == 0:
                        wp = relative_waypoint
                    elif dlane == -1:
                        wp = relative_waypoint.get_left_lane()
                    elif dlane == 1:
                        wp = relative_waypoint.get_right_lane()
                    if wp is None:
                        raise AttributeError("Object '{}' position with dLane={} is not valid".format(obj, dlane))
                    wp = wp.next(ds)[-1]
                    # Adapt transform according to offset
                    h = math.radians(wp.transform.rotation.yaw)
                    x_offset = math.sin(h) * offset
                    y_offset = math.cos(h) * offset
                    if OpenScenarioParser.use_carla_coordinate_system:
                        x_offset = x_offset * (-1.0)
                        y_offset = y_offset * (-1.0)
                    x = wp.transform.location.x + x_offset
                    y = wp.transform.location.y + y_offset
                    z = wp.transform.location.z
                return carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=x, y=y, z=z), carla.Rotation(yaw=yaw, pitch=pitch, roll=roll))
            # Not implemented
            elif position.find('RoadPosition') is not None:
                raise NotImplementedError("Road positions are not yet supported")
            elif position.find('RelativeRoadPosition') is not None:
                raise NotImplementedError("RelativeRoad positions are not yet supported")
            elif position.find('LanePosition') is not None:
                lane_pos = position.find('LanePosition')
                road_id = int(lane_pos.attrib.get('roadId', 0))
                lane_id = int(lane_pos.attrib.get('laneId', 0))
                offset = float(lane_pos.attrib.get('offset', 0))
                s = float(lane_pos.attrib.get('s', 0))
                is_absolute = True
                waypoint = CarlaDataProvider.get_map().get_waypoint_xodr(road_id, lane_id, s)
                if waypoint is None:
                    raise AttributeError("Lane position cannot be found")
                transform = waypoint.transform
                if lane_pos.find('Orientation') is not None:
                    orientation = rel_pos.find('Orientation')
                    dyaw = math.degrees(float(orientation.attrib.get('h', 0)))
                    dpitch = math.degrees(float(orientation.attrib.get('p', 0)))
                    droll = math.degrees(float(orientation.attrib.get('r', 0)))
                    if not OpenScenarioParser.use_carla_coordinate_system:
                        dyaw = dyaw * (-1.0)
                    transform.rotation.yaw = transform.rotation.yaw + dyaw
                    transform.rotation.pitch = transform.rotation.pitch + dpitch
                    transform.rotation.roll = transform.rotation.roll + droll
                if offset != 0:
                    forward_vector = transform.rotation.get_forward_vector()
                    orthogonal_vector = carla.Vector3D(x=-forward_vector.y, y=forward_vector.x, z=forward_vector.z)
                    transform.location.x = transform.location.x + offset * orthogonal_vector.x
                    transform.location.y = transform.location.y + offset * orthogonal_vector.y
                return transform
            elif position.find('RoutePosition') is not None:
                raise NotImplementedError("Route positions are not yet supported")
                raise AttributeError("Unknown position")



