《Folding Beijing》| 书评·北京折叠

《Folding Beijing》| 书评·北京折叠

作者: Carol不定期更新的日常 | 来源:发表于2019-04-05 18:20 被阅读123次

    Dao had never seen anything like this. Gradually, the sun rose. The sky was profound blue, with an orange fringe at the edge, decorated with gauzy clouds. Shaded by the sun, the eave appear extremely dark while the background was dazzlingly bright. As the sun rose constantly, the sky faded away gently, but it seemed more peaceful. He stood up and ran towards the sun, wanting to capture the last vestige of gold. The silhouette of the branches carve the sky silently. His heart beat wildly. He had never imagined the sunrise could be so moving.


    Because of the overpopulation, the buildings are designed to have three foldable space. The three space shared for 48 hours. One opens while the others close. The first space has 5 million people. The person in the first space possess maximum freedom of time, enjoying the whole 24-hours day and night. Also, they can occupy the time in third space barbarically. People in the second space with 25 million population enjoy the whole night and a half day. Though the time is a little bit urgent for them, they can still live elegantly. But what about the third space? It has a population of 50 million. People in it live a struggling life. Their time is compressed by the first space residents, so they only have 8 hours a day. The book tells a story about a garbageman called Lao Dao in the third space help the scholar Qin Tian in the second space send love letter to Yi Yan in the first space, gaining the kindergarten fee for his daughter.


    Folding Beijing —— Winner of Hugo Award, is a great hit in chinese science fiction. Different from traditional fiction, FB focuses on changes of social classes, pictures a living in AI-age and unfolds the problem —— class solidification. In my view, it is associated with the author’s belief:Using literature and economy knowledge to support the needed. In the book, Dao is the representative of vulnerable group, without money and authority, but living in an AI age, which means doing the heaviest, earning the least. To survive, going against the rules is reasonable, but he own no rights to defend for illegal rights. Besides, the developed technology filters out the “useless” individuals. What can they do? Participate in management or development? So they are “folded”, their names are “hided” behind every decision and they even don’t really know about the first and second space. Cruel but real. If you don't work hard, you even have no value to be exploited.


    However, the design of story and expression are far from perfection. First, the view is narrow, which contributes to vagueness of decision —— making classes. Second, the setting of story is common, which can’t convey author’s opinion clearly. Third, the logic of story isn’t definite enough, which causes difficulties in comprehension. But anyhow, the fiction is well worth recognition, which marks the renewed understanding of future. Just as the author states: "Only education, that processes the simple-minded into creative people, who can withstand the test of technology."


    Finally, with abundant opportunities, millions of young people are pursuing their Beijing dreams. Hope they can have a bright future and always be kind and sympathetic.

                  -written by Carol and Claudio-



    本文标题:《Folding Beijing》| 书评·北京折叠
