美文网首页环境教育 Environmental Education


作者: 深海錳结核 | 来源:发表于2022-05-28 16:49 被阅读0次

    作者:Wu, M., & Liu, C. C. (2021). What Could and Should Ecological Civilization Education Be?.Sustainability,13(21),11735. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132111735Supplementary Material


    表S1. 环境教育中不同学习成效框架的比较

    自传体记忆的功能(AMFs)作为扩展的环境教育成效[22,26,27] AMFs [22,26,27] AMFs [22,26,27] 环教21(EE21)[23] 积极的青年发展优势[19] 环境教育和K-12学生成效[24] 高级环境教育实践[25]
    环境学习 环境觉知 环境 环境态度:对环境的敏感性 环境觉知、环境敏感性
    EL EAw 环境问题 环境议题觉知
    EL EAw 环境保护 全球联系觉知,社会行动觉知
    EL EAw 环境探索
    EL 环境知识 环境 学习:关于人类和环境系统之间的相互联系和相互依赖的知识 智力发展:内容知识(如能源效率、植物科学、地球科学、蝴蝶变态) 环境知识、生态知识、化学知识、环境概念化、地理内容、科学内容、学术成就、行动能力、心智模型 知识、系统知识
    EL EK 环境问题 环境问题知识、吸入剂对健康影响的知识、污染对健康影响的知识、风险知识、学业成就、行动能力 知识、系统知识
    EL EK 环境保护 感知的行动知识、职业知识、学业成就、行动能力
    EL EK 环境探索 感知的行动知识、职业知识、对科学方法的理解、学业成就、行动能力
    EL 环境技能 环境保护 21世纪技能:批判性思维和解决问题 身体发展:健康习惯(如营养、健身);健康风险管理(例如,保护自己“远离错误”) 行动知识、公民行动技能知识、环境行动知识、环境行动技能知识、技能知识、环境问题解决、监测环境问题、决策技能、批判性思维、行动技能使用的感知技能、问题-解决、系统思维、行动计划、分析技能、职业规划、计算机技能、循环思维、高阶思维技能、互联网技能、问题分析、问题评估、问题识别、后设认知技能、阅读技能、自主学习、技术技能, 写作技能, 学业成绩, 行动能力 思维、行动相关知识、有效性知识
    EL ESk ESk_EP 智力发展:职业技能知识(例如,视频制作、进行科学实验、公开演讲)
    EL ESk 环境探索 21世纪技能:批判性思维和问题解决 智力发展:职业技能知识(例如,视频制作、进行科学实验、公开演讲) 行动知识、公民行动技能知识、环境行动知识、环境行动技能知识、技能知识、钓鱼技能、园艺技能、地理技能、土地生存技能、户外技能、研究技能、安全技能、科学过程技能、决策技能、批判性思维、运用行动技能的感知技能、解决问题、系统思维、行动计划、分析技能、职业规划、计算机技能、循环思维、高阶思维技能、互联网技能、问题分析、问题评估、问题识别、后设认知技能、阅读技能、自主学习、技术技能、写作技能、学业成就、行动能力 思维、行动相关知识、有效性知识
    EL 环境态度 环境 地方联系:发展对物理位置及其故事的欣赏,建立和它们积极个人关系 环境观念,环境态度,环境关心,保护价值,任务价值,利用价值,自然的价值,与自然的连结,地方感,与土地的连结,环境认同,与环境的关系,对学校的态度,对计算机的态度,态度对互联网的态度, 对传统教学的态度, 强化观点的因素, 学业成绩, 行动能力 价值观、信念和态度、自然连结、地方感、认同、个人规范
    EL Eat EAt_E 环境态度:对环境的关心和积极的态度
    EL Eat 环境问题 对吸入剂的态度、资源管理的优先事项、风险态度、强化观点的因素、学业成就、行动能力
    EL Eat 环境保护 智力发展:工作准备,努力工作的价值 公民责任、环境责任、个人风险管理责任、环境管理意识、强化因素、学业成就、行动能力
    EL Eat 环境探索 学习兴趣:增强好奇心,增加学习科学和环境的兴趣 智力发展:工作准备,努力工作的价值 对科学的兴趣,科学态度,对体验式学习的态度,对化学的兴趣,对研究中的环境问题的兴趣,对钓鱼的兴趣,对园艺的兴趣,对地理的兴趣,对学习和探索的兴趣,对自然世界的兴趣,强化观点的因素,学术成就,行动能力
    EL 环境行为 环境保护 行动:环境管护:执行管理相关行为的动机 身体发育:健康习惯(如营养、健身);健康风险管理(例如,保护自己“远离错误”) 环境行为意愿、对水生环境的个人承诺、环境行为、节水、电池回收、节能减排、学业成就、行动能力、环境管护 环境行为
    EL EB EB_EP 行动:合作/协作:与他人进行更多合作的动机 社会发展:对公民参与的承诺 集体环保行动
    EL EB EB_EP 行动:学校:在学校更加努力的动力
    EL EB 环境探索 行动:合作/协作:与他人进行更多合作的动机 社会发展:对公民参与的承诺 环境行为意图,对水生环境的个人承诺,环境行为,钓鱼参与,学业成就,行动能力,环境管护 环境行为
    EL EB EB_EX 行动:学校:在学校更加努力的动力 集体环保行动
    社会互动 社会技能 人际网络 社会资本
    SI SSK 沟通技能 21世纪技能:沟通 社会发展:在多种文化背景下导航的能力(例如,什么时候“讲俗语”,什么时候“讲术语“) 社交技巧、口语交流
    SI SSK 团队合作技能 21 世纪技能:协作 社会发展:联系(例如,团队合作) 社交技能、领导力、团队合作、参与能力
    SI SSK SSk_TSk 行动:合作/协作:与他人进行更多合作的动机
    SI 与参与者回忆 Re 社会规范
    SI 与非参与者分享 Sh 社会规范
    自我发展 自我效能 SEf 自我效能感:相信自己有能力实现自己的目标并影响自己的环境 心理和情绪发展:心理健康,包括积极的自尊(例如,自信);对个人效能的信心(例如,如何让改变发生) 掌控感,对环境研究的自我效能,群体的掌控感,行动的自信,自我效能,对行动技能的信心,赋能,对管理环境风险的控制感,对科学的自我效能 效能
    SeD 自尊 SEs 意义/身份:增强了自我意识、批判性反思自我和目标感 自尊
    SeD 性格 Tr 心理和情绪发展:心理健康,包括积极的自我评价(例如,自信、头脑开放);情绪自我调节(例如,耐心、坚持、专注);应对技巧(例如,适应性);掌握和成就动机(例如,主动性、内在奖励);对个人效能的信心(例如,如何让改变发生);“计划性”(例如,远见、超前思考);个人自主和责任感;结合现实的乐观;善用时间(例如,平衡工作量) 批判性思维倾向、生态化的心态、内在动机、自主性、性格发展、成熟度、沉着
    SeD 爱好 Ho
    SeD 理想 Vi

    Table S1. The comparison of different frameworks of learning outcomes in environmental education

    AMFs as extended EE outcomes [22,26,27] AMFs [22,26,27] AMFs [22,26,27] EE21 [23] Positive youth development Assets [19] EE and K-12 student outcomes [24] Advancing Environmental Education Practice [25]
    Environmental learning Environmental awareness The environment Environmental Attitudes: Sensitivity towards the environment Environmental awareness, Environmental sensitivity
    EL EAw Environmental problems Environmental issue awareness
    EL EAw Environmental protection Awareness of global connections, Awareness of social activism
    EL EAw Environmental exploration
    EL Environmental knowledge The environment Learning: Knowledge regarding the interconnectedness and interdependence between human and environmental systems Intellectual development: Content knowledge (e.g., energy efficiency, plant science, earth science, butterfly metamorphosis) Environmental knowledge, Ecological knowledge, Chemistry knowledge, Conceptualizations of the environment, Geography content, Science content, Academic achievement, Action competence, Mental models Knowledge, System knowledge
    EL Ek Environmental problems Knowledge of environmental issues, Knowledge of health effects of inhalants, Knowledge of health effects of pollution, Risk knowledge, Academic achievement, Action competence Knowledge, System knowledge
    EL Ek Environmental protection Perceived knowledge of action, Career knowledge, Academic achievement, Action competence
    EL Ek Environmental exploration Perceived knowledge of action, Career knowledge, Understanding of science methods, Academic achievement, Action competence
    EL Environmental skills Environmental protection 21st Century Skills: Critical thinking and problem solving Physical development: Healthy habits (e.g., nutrition, fitness); health risk management (e.g., protecting self ‘from the wrong’) Knowledge for action, Knowledge of citizen action skills, Knowledge of environmental actions, Knowledge of environmental action skills, Skill knowledge, Environmental problem solving, Monitoring environmental problems, Decision-making skills, Critical thinking, Perceived skill in use of action skills, Problem-solving, Systems thinking, Action planning, Analytical skills, Career planning, Computer skills, Cyclic thinking, Higher-order thinking skills, Internet skills, Issue analysis, Issue evaluation, Issue identification, Metacognitive skills, Reading skills, Self-directed learning, Technology skills, Writing skills, Academic achievement, Action competence Thinking, Action-related knowledge, Effectiveness knowledge
    EL ESk ESk_EP Intellectual development: knowledge of vocational skills (e.g., video production, conducting scientific experiments, public speaking)
    EL ESk Environmental exploration 21st Century Skills: Critical thinking and problem solving Intellectual development: knowledge of vocational skills (e.g., video production, conducting scientific experiments, public speaking) Knowledge for action, Knowledge of citizen action skills, Knowledge of environmental actions, Knowledge of environmental action skills, Skill knowledge, Fishing skills, Gardening skills, Geography skills, Land subsistence skills, Outdoor skills, Research skills, Safety skills, Science process skills, Decision-making skills, Critical thinking, Perceived skill in use of action skills, Problem-solving, Systems thinking, Action planning, Analytical skills, Career planning, Computer skills, Cyclic thinking, Higher-order thinking skills, Internet skills, Issue analysis, Issue evaluation, Issue identification, Metacognitive skills, Reading skills, Self-directed learning, Technology skills, Writing skills, Academic achievement, Action competence Thinking, Action-related knowledge, Effectiveness knowledge
    EL Environmental attitudes The environment Place connection: The development of appreciation for and positive personal relationships with the physical location and its story Environmental perceptions, Environmental attitudes, Environmental concern, Preservation values, Task value, Utilization values, Value of nature, Connectedness with nature, Sense of place, Connection to land, Environmental identity, Relationship to environment, Attitudes toward school, Attitudes toward computers, Attitudes toward the Internet, Attitudes toward traditional teaching, Reinforcing factors, Academic achievement, Action competence Values, Beliefs, and Attitudes, Nature Connectedness, Sense of Place, Identity, Personal Norms
    EL EAt EAt_E Environmental Attitudes: concern, and positive dispositions towards the environment
    EL EAt Environmental problems Attitudes toward inhalants, Priorities for resource management, Risk attitudes, Reinforcing factors, Academic achievement, Action competence
    EL EAt Environmental protection Intellectual development: job preparation, value of hard work Civic responsibility, Environmental responsibility, Personal responsibility to manage risks, Sense of environmental stewardship, Reinforcing factors, Academic achievement, Action competence
    EL EAt Environmental exploration Interest in Learning: Enhanced curiosity, increased interest in learning about science and the environment Intellectual development: job preparation, value of hard work Interest in science, Science attitudes, Attitudes toward experiential learning, Interest in chemistry, Interest in environmental issue under study, Interest in fishing, Interest in gardening, Interest in geography, Interest in learning and discovery, Interest in natural world, Reinforcing factors, Academic achievement, Action competence
    EL Environmental behaviors Environmental protection Actions: Environmental Stewardship: Motivations to perform stewardship related behaviors Physical development: Healthy habits (e.g., nutrition, fitness); health risk management (e.g., protecting self ‘from the wrong’) Environmental behavioral intentions, Personal commitment to aquatic environments, Environmental behavior, Water conservation, Battery recycling, Energy savings and carbon emissions reduction, Academic achievement, Action competence, Environmental stewardship Environmental Behaviors
    EL EB EB_EP Actions: Cooperation/Collaboration: Motivation to collaborate more with others Social development: commitment to civic engagement Collective Environmental Action
    EL EB EB_EP Actions: School: Motivation to work harder in school
    EL EB Environmental exploration Actions: Cooperation/Collaboration: Motivation to collaborate more with others Social development: commitment to civic engagement Environmental behavioral intentions, Personal commitment to aquatic environments, Environmental behavior, Fishing participation, Academic achievement, Action competence, Environmental stewardship Environmental Behaviors
    EL EB EB_EX Actions: School: Motivation to work harder in school Collective Environmental Action
    Social interaction Social skills Interpersonal networks Social Capital
    SI SSk Communication skills 21st Century Skills: communication Social development: ability to navigate in multiple cultural contexts (e.g., when to ‘talk street and talk correctly’) Social skills, Oral communication
    SI SSk Teamwork skills 21st Century Skills: collaboration Social development: Connectedness (e.g., teamwork) Social skills, Leadership, Group work, Participatory capacities
    SI SSk SSk_TSk Actions: Cooperation/Collaboration: Motivation to collaborate more with others
    SI Reminiscing with other participants Re Social Norms
    SI Sharing with nonparticipants Sh Social Norms
    Self development Self-efficacy SEf Self-Efficacy: Belief in one’s own ability to achieve one’s goals and influence their environment Psychological and emotional development: Mental health including positive self-regard (e.g., self-confidence); confidence in personal efficacy (e.g., how to enact change) Locus of control, Environmental studies self-efficacy, Group locus of control, Self-confidence to act, Self-efficacy, Confidence in action skills, Empowerment, Perceptions of control for managing risks to the environment, Science self-efficacy Efficacy
    SeD Self-esteem SEs Meaning/Identity: A heightened sense of self-awareness, critical reflection, and purpose Self-esteem
    SeD Traits Tr Psychological and emotional development: Mental health including positive self-regard (e.g., self-confidence, open-mindedness); emotional self-regulation (e.g., patience, persistence, paying attention); coping skills (e.g., adaptability); mastery and achievement motivation (e.g., initiative, intrinsic reward); confidence in personal efficacy (e.g., how to enact change); ‘planfulness’ (e.g., vision, thinking ahead); sense of personal autonomy and responsibility; optimism coupled with realism; good use of time (e.g., balancing work load) Disposition toward critical thinking, Ecological mindset, Intrinsic motivation, Autonomy, Character development, Maturity, Poise
    SeD Hobbies Ho
    SeD Visions Vi



