Recombination-Aware Phylogenomics Reveals the Structured Genomic Landscape of Hybridizing Cat Species
由美国德州农工大学的Willian J Murphy团队发表在Molecular Biology and Evolution上。
Figure 1. 已发表研究中的系统发育关系不一致 Figure 2. (A) Left: the top three most frequently recovered phylogenies for six felid lineages, inferred from window-based ML supermatrix analysis of the 1.5-Gb whole-genome alignment. Right: the frequency of each topology within autosomes and chrX, based on partitioning into low (<0.5 cM/Mb) and high (>2 cM/Mb) recombination rates (Li, Hillier, et al. 2016). Red arrows indicate three lineages in which the most frequent topology in the LRchrX was not the same as the most frequent genome-wide topology. (B) Distribution of different topologies on chrX, and their relationship to recombination rate (bottom).看起来最核心的研究方法就是滑窗建树。