
作者: iGlobalist | 来源:发表于2017-11-18 20:04 被阅读0次

Lithuania and Poland

Bad blood

Lithuania and Poland seem to have hit an icy impasse

POLAND was one of Lithuania’s best friends in January 1991. As Soviet troops tried to impose a puppet regime in Vilnius, Lithuania’s foreign minister, Algirdas Saudargas, fled to Warsaw, ready to head a government-in-exile if the worst happened. Polish politicians condemned the Soviet crackdown. It failed, but 14 unarmed protesters were shot and crushed by tanks, with hundreds maimed or injured.

Twenty years on, at ceremonies to commemorate these events, Poland was represented by only a low-level delegation, announced at insultingly short notice. Poland’s patience is at an end, says a senior diplomat, citing Lithuanian foot-dragging on restitution of pre-war Polish property, broken promises on language rights for the ethnic Polish minority, attempts to undermine its schools and ill-treatment of a Polish-owned oil refinery.

Lithuanians are incensed and feel bullied by their bigger neighbour. Lithuania is the only country outside Poland to offer Polish-language education from infancy to adulthood, they point out. Latvia’s arrangements for its Polish minority are broadly similar. Ethnic Lithuanians in Poland have problems, too. So why the fuss?

Some think the thaw in relations between Warsaw and Moscow has sparked mischief-making. Others suggest that Radek Sikorski, Poland’s foreign minister, has a personal vendetta against Lithuania (he insists he does not). But personalities do play a role. Lithuania’s president, Dalia Grybauskaite, was to blame for a spectacularly stormy meeting last year with Bronislaw Komorowski, her Polish counterpart, say outsiders who were there.

The two prime ministers, Audrius Kubilius of Lithuania and Donald Tusk of Poland, get on fine, unlike their combative foreign ministers. One reason may be that Mr Tusk is a member of Poland’s small Kashubian minority and thus more sensitive to the worries that small ethnic groups have about big ones.
同两国外长针锋相对所不同的是,立陶宛总理安德留斯•库比留斯(Audrius Kubilius)和波兰总理唐纳德•图斯克 (Donald Tusk)相处甚好。其中一个原因可能是因为图斯克是波兰少数民族卡舒比(Kashubian)出身,他对少数民族担心主体民族的举动表现得更为敏感。

Plenty of people think the row has gone too far. Polish newspapers criticised the decision to snub the Lithuanian anniversary ceremonies. America wants both countries to co-operate more, not least in regional military exercises planned for this year and next. Estonians and Latvians fear the dispute may block better road, rail and power links to the south-east that will end their isolation from the rest of Europe.

The real problem lies in differing interpretations of history. Each country insists that the other behaved badly in the past but skates over its own mistakes. After Polish troops seized Vilnius (then called Wilno) in 1920, the pair spent the inter-war years in a stony fury. That ended in disaster for both. Some worry that this sorry history may repeat itself. Yet the blunt truth is that Poland can afford to ignore Lithuania, whereas Lithuania and its Baltic friends cannot do without Poland.


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