塔克曼模型 团队发展阶段模型

塔克曼模型 团队发展阶段模型

作者: 修心筑本 | 来源:发表于2024-03-15 07:57 被阅读0次

The Tuckman Model

Tuckman’s FSNP model consisted of four stages that Bruce Tuckman suggests are the sequential stages in developing any team. However, a decade after proposing his original model, he added a fifth stage, turning it into the FSNPA model:

Forming – When a team first meets and gets to know each other and agrees on objectives and goals.

Storming – Members begin to open up, share their preferred working styles, and build trust as they figure out how to work as a team.

Norming – Quirks are accepted and tolerated for the group’s sake, and everyone starts to understand the importance of working toward the collective goal as a team.

Performing – Trust is built, and everyone is motivated to work together toward shared goals.

Adjourning – After the project is over, an assessment is performed to see how effective the team was, celebrate individual contributions, and make changes accordingly.

This model is most valuable for managers who want to understand the different stages of team development. It also helps teams become comfortable with natural differences and tension and work more effectively together. However, there is conflict present at every stage of this model, which some team members may find too uncomfortable.

It’s important to note that teams may bounce between phases at any time; for example, the team may be performing, then new team members join, which puts them back to the storming phase.

布鲁斯·塔克曼(Bruce Tuckman)于1965年提出团队发展阶段模型, 指出团队发展必经的四阶段。 1977年,他在原有模型的基础上增加了第五阶段。


组建期(Forming) ——团队成员首次见面、互相了解,就团队发展目标达成一致意见。

激荡期(Storming) ——团队成员能够敞开心扉、各抒己见,分享各自喜欢的工作风格,探究团队协作方式,并建立起对彼此的信任。

规范期(Norming) ——团队成员能从整体效益出发,调整自身行为、接纳差异;认识到共同目标在团队协作中的重要性。

执行期(Performing) ——团队成员彼此信任;为了共同目标能够自觉协作。

休整期(Adjourning) ——项目结束后,评估团队效能、对成员予以奖励,并做出相应调整。

若管理者想了解 团队发展的各个阶段, 塔克曼模型是最佳选择。该模型还能帮助团队成员 接纳彼此的差异、化解冲突,提高协作效率。





      本文标题:塔克曼模型 团队发展阶段模型
