慌慌张张 匆匆忙忙
为复工 随时待命
%: stand for comment ~=: stand for unequal Semicolon will...
慌慌张张 匆匆忙忙 为复工 随时待命
Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep Do not stand at my grav...
Do not stand at my grave and weep Do not stand at my grav...
stand someone up. 失约,放某人鸽子 我们知道stand u...
” 词根sist来自拉丁语sistere"to stand",From PIEroot*sta-"to stand...
Don’t stand before me,or behind me.Just stand by me. 文|熊...
stand a chance 有希望;有可能 e.g. you'll stand a better chance ...
本文标题:Stand By