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【012】创造机会 拥抱机遇|Be an opportunity

【012】创造机会 拥抱机遇|Be an opportunity

作者: TedDigger | 来源:发表于2017-07-19 09:00 被阅读1次

    Speaker: Kare Anderson
    Key words: 机遇 社交

    Abstract: 主动去创造机会,才能活动更多的机遇,完成一件件令人惊叹的事情,从而拥有改变世界的能力


    • Opportunity-makers are those who use best talents together more often for the greater good and accomplish things we couldn't have done on our own.

    • Three traits of Opportunity-makers

      1. keep honing their top strength and become pattern seekers.[凸显优势,寻求典范]
      2. get involved in different worlds than their worlds so to be trusted and to see those opportunities[博采众长,把握机遇]
      3. communicate to connect around sweet spots of shared interest.[交流合作]

    Link: TED| Open163




        本文标题:【012】创造机会 拥抱机遇|Be an opportunity
