笃学奖-Topic4-A11080 zln_九月-Uband精

笃学奖-Topic4-A11080 zln_九月-Uband精

作者: 九月_Lina | 来源:发表于2017-06-01 22:48 被阅读23次

    Day 1-2

    1. As the dust settles on the traumatising  attack in Manchester, we are left grieving and searching for an explanation for this senseless violence.

    1) the dust settles on 


    【很地道的表达,比 After/Following the attack in Manchester... 更形象】

    2) traumatize

    /ˈtrȯ-mə-ˌtīz/ to shock someone so badly that they are affected by it for a very long time 使受精神创伤

    e.g. He was traumatized by his war experiences. 战争经历使他饱受精神创伤。

    3) 整句

    起始句,表明写作意图——searching for an explanation for this senseless violence

    2. Some will have you believe that Islam is at fault  since verses of the Qur’an  legitimise such violence, while their opponents point out that the ideology fuelling these acts of terror is a twisted perversion  of the religion.

    1) at fault

    if someone is at fault, they are responsible for something bad that has happened 有过错;应当负责

    e.g. The police said that the other driver was at fault. 警方说是另一位司机的责任 。

    2) Qur’an

    Koran 《可兰经》/《古兰经》(伊斯兰教经典)

    3) perversion

    the process of changing something that is natural and good into something that is unnatural and wrong, or the result of such a change 歪曲,曲解;堕落,败坏

    e.g. a perversion of the true meaning of democracy 对民主真正含义的歪曲

    4) fuel


    e.g. His words fuelled her anger still more.

    3. Western foreign policy  has often been cited as an important driver, but there are countless law-abiding British citizens of all faiths who disagree with recent foreign policy who do not feel compelled to wreak  bloody havoc  on account of  it.

    1) foreign policy


    2) feel compelled to do sth

    having to do something, because you are forced to or feel it is necessary 被迫的,不得不,有必要

    [+ to infinitive] He felt compelled to report the incident. 他觉得必须报道这件事。

    【联想:feel forced to do】

    3) wreak

    to cause something to happen in a violent and often uncontrolled way 造成,引起(灾祸等)

    a. wreak havoc / mayhem / destruction (on sth) (对某事物)造成浩劫/骚乱/破坏

    e.g. These policies have wreaked havoc on the British economy. 这些政策造成了英国经济的混乱。

    b. wreak revenge / vengeance (on sb): to do something unpleasant to someone to punish them for something they have done to you (对某人)施行报复

    4) havoc

    a situation in which there is a lot of damage or a lack of order, especially so that it is difficult for something to continue in the normal way 灾难;混乱

    5) on account of

    because of something else, especially a problem or difficulty 因为某事,由于某事

    e.g. She was told to wear flat shoes, on account of her back problem. 因为背部有毛病,她被建议穿平底鞋。

    4. This is akin to  the pathway into gang culture for young people around the world – a sense of alienation from family and society at large  delivers them into the hands of older gang leaders.

    1) akin to sth

    very similar to something 与某物相似的,与某物类似的

    e.g. Something akin to panic overwhelmed him. 一种类似惊恐的感觉使他不知所措。

    2) at large

    a. the population / public / society / world etc at large: people in general 全部人口/全部民众/全社会/全世界等

    e.g. The chemical pollution poses a threat to the population at large. 化学污染对全人类造成了威胁。

    【注意:at large 不要译成“很大程度上,大部分”】

    【大部分,基本上  in large part / measure】

    【大体上,总体上  by and large  可以作插入语】

    b. be at large: if a dangerous person or animal is at large, they have escaped from somewhere or have not been caught (危险人物或动物)在逃的,未被捕获的

    e.g. The escaped prisoners are still at large. 越狱囚犯依然在逃。


    5. Although this is conceivable , the evidence is limited.

    1) conceivable

    able to be believed or imagined 可以相信的;可想象的

    e.g. It is conceivable that you may get full compensation, but it’s not likely. 你可能会得到全额赔偿,但是可能性不大。

    6. Perhaps those most likely to make the transition from radical to terrorist are the exceedingly vulnerable, who are highly susceptible  to jihadi rhetoric, and narcissistic psychopaths, who might revel  in the notoriety of being a terrorist.

    1) susceptible

    a. a susceptible person is easily influenced or attracted by someone or something 易受影响的,易被吸引的

    e.g. A lot of TV advertising is aimed at susceptible young children. 很多电视广告瞄准了易受影响的幼儿。

    b. likely to suffer from a particular illness or be affected by a particular problem 易得病的;易受影响的 [+ to]

    e.g. Older people are more susceptible to infections. 年纪较大的人更易受感染。

    2) revel

    to spend time dancing, eating, drinking etc, especially at a party 狂欢,纵酒,作乐

    7. Moderate Muslim scholars need to provide the theological ammunition  to oppose the vile ideas peddled  by extremist recruiters while security forces take action against them.

    1) ammunition

    information that you can use to criticize someone or win an argument against them (批评或辩论中攻击他人的)把柄,弹药,证据

    give sb ammunition / provide sb with ammunition

    e.g. His mistakes provided political opponents with even more ammunition. 他的过失给政治对手提供了更多的把柄。

    2) peddle

    to try to persuade people to accept an opinion or idea which is wrong or false 散布,兜售(错误的观点、主张)

    e.g. politicians peddling instant solutions to long-standing problems 宣扬用速成方法解决长期问题的政客们

    Day 3-4


    by zln_九月 by June


    1. Some will have you believe that Islam is at fault since verses of the Qur’an legitimize such violence, while their opponents point out that the ideology fuelling these acts of terror is a twisted perversion of the religion.


    #1 “合法的”这一解释不妥,可以理解为“可兰经认可这种暴力”

    #2 ideology的理解有偏差,应该指“导致恐怖行为的思想体系”


    2. Western policy has often been cited as an important driver, but there are countless law-abiding British citizens of all faiths who disagree with recent foreign policy who do not feel compelled to wreak bloody havoc on account of it.


    # 定语有点长


    【笃师注:两个who并列修饰countless law-abiding British citizens,但两个who后面的内容在逻辑上是转折关系,无数不赞成外交政策的人,并没有因此气急败坏,相反,他们遵纪守法。】

    3. For those who find themselves at odds with the culture of their parents, and yet are met with hostility from the culture of the society they live in, exiting the acculturation paradigm to embrace a third culture that provides them with a sense of belonging may be an appealing option. In this case their minds become fertile ground for radicalization.


    # 有点啰嗦


    4. Perhaps the low self-esteem brought on by marginalization is the mediator here, traded readily by some disaffected Muslim youths for the perceived sense of purpose and status associated with being a jihadi.


    #1 mediator 可以是一个“中间体”,导致激进的根源所在

    #2 perceived sense of purpose and status 的解释太牵强


    【笃师注:perceived这个词应该来说是英语里特别精妙的一个词,汉语里很难找到直接对应词。指的是自己的主观认知,通常与客观事实都有一段距离。What you perceive is just your interpretation of the reality instead of the reality itself.】

    5. Although the factors that lead to radicalization are still poorly understood, and are as complex as the acts of terror are devastating, some common themes are evident, and we should respond accordingly.


    #1 理解有误。句子分析:简化后为 Factors are complex as the acts of terrors are devastating. 本句主干:Although factors are complex, some common themes are evident. 因此应理解为“其复杂程度堪比恐怖行径带来的灾难程度”。

    #2 theme 这里用“主题”不妥

    #3 “相应的回应”就是“要采取相应的措施”



    1. Feel compelled to do sth: having to do something, because you are forced to or feel it is necessary 被迫的,不得不,有必要

    [+ to infinitive] He felt compelled to report the incident.他觉得必须报道这件事。

    2. Pose a challenge for: 带来挑战

    3. Radical extremist faction: 极端激进分子 【激进的极端派别】

    4. Be highly susceptible to jihadi rhetoric: 很容易受圣战言论的影响

    5. Counter-narrative: 驳斥 【相反的论调】

    6. Address the factors: 解决这些因素 【address the issue/problem/factors】

    7. Take a fresh approach to: 采取新的方式

    Day 5






        本文标题: 笃学奖-Topic4-A11080 zln_九月-Uband精
