L41 getting a tan

作者: Simin的快乐法杖 | 来源:发表于2020-11-24 07:14 被阅读0次


    晒太阳  being in the sun

    黄褐色;使……变成黄褐色  tan

    景色 | 从山顶向下瞭望的风景是扣人心悬的  The scenery from the top of the mountain were breathtaking

    防晒乳液 sunscreen lotion

    #语法 | 仿写

    1. either…or…

    What gifts she want to gain is either making a handsome boyfriend or winning a big lottery.

    2. not…but…   

    What gift he is touched to receive is not  making more money but having many beautiful girlfriends. Undoubtedly, he is a color wolf !

    #Simin 的转述:

    The article tell us a story about a man and his brother who are outing people. They are enjoy the beautiful scenery at the beach, so they spent a lot of their free time at the beach. Not only being in he sun can really help them keep fit but also can it keep relaxed. Unfortunately, they don't use sunscreen lotion and they have got more and more tan. From the reading, I get an important piece of advice, rubbing a good amount of sunscreen lotion if you are anything like them.



        本文标题:L41 getting a tan
