

作者: HappyLuo | 来源:发表于2017-05-24 10:54 被阅读0次

“When you see negatives over people, do you know what it really means? It means you have a spirit of breakthrough upon you. That is what God is saying. If you see negatives, don't get worried about it. Be excited because the spirit of breakthrough is upon you, and now you are partnering with the Lord to bring freedom to that captive! You can release the prisoner, opening that cell door, binding the enemy, and loosing the individual. It is a responsibility that when you see that negative you just know, "I am the gift of God for this person right now!" So you have to act like a gift of God.”

– Graham Cooke (Facebook)


——格雷汉姆·库克 (Facebook)


The primary purpose of prophecy is not correction


   The primary purpose of encouragement.  Eyes of love always direct us to look for the treasure in everyone.  We want to see the person that Jesus sees when He looks at them, and seeing the amazing destiny that God has for them. Prophecy is calling a person up into who they truly are, not pointing out who they aren't or what they lack.  Always consider how the word will be received, and if there is a way to be positive.  Don’t flatter the person, speak what the Lord gave you, and then shut up.


      If you see sin, seek the Lord for what needs to be prophesied and released that will break the power of that sin in that person's life.  Seeing sin isn't prophetic, it’s just seeing sin.  What is prophetic is being able to see past the sin to the heart issue and prophesy that which will bring freedom and deliverance from that sin.  We are prophesying the answer, not the problem.  If you cannot prophesy the answer, then just pray silently for the person.



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