美文网首页Mystic's musings —萨古鲁


作者: 破罐子Crackpots俱乐部 | 来源:发表于2019-02-09 18:13 被阅读0次

    Chapter-1 Seeker’s Predicament (P7-P11)

    1.Seeker: Sadhguru, as I walk this path I am becoming aware of the many fears and insecurities I have within me. How do I leave these behind and move ahead?


    Sadhguru: You don't have to leave your fears and  insecurities  because  they don't really exist. You keep creating them unconsciously. If you don't create them, they don't really exist. Why you create them and how to stop creating them, that's your question. The fundamental reason why fear has arisen in you is one way of looking at it is--in this vast existence of which you don't know the beginning or the end you're just a little human being. Being the small entity that you are right now, naturally fear is there. It's overwhelming; there is fear and insecurity about what will happen to you.

    萨古鲁:不必丢掉你的恐惧和不安,因为它们并不真实存在,是你在持续无意识地创造恐惧和不安,如果你停止,它们就不存在。实际上你的问题是:为什么要创造它们,  如何停止。面对这个巨大的存在,你不知道她从哪里来,到哪里去,此刻的你,只是一个小小的人类,如此渺小,自然会升起恐惧。——这种看待事物的方式是恐惧发生在你身上的根本原因。你无从抗拒,被恐惧和不安淹没,担心什么事会降临到你身上。

    As long as you're identified as a physical body, as long as your experience of life is limited to your physical and mental faculties, fear and insecurity are inevitable. It's just that different people may be at different levels of fear and insecurity. Today, if your life is happening well, you might have forgotten your insecurity. Tomorrow, if your life is turned upside down, you will be reminded because it's always within you. Only when a person begins to experience himself beyond the limitations of his physical body and mind, then this person can become free from insecurity and fear.


    Experiencing yourself beyond the physical is what we're referring to as spiritual. When I say spiritual, don't think it is about going to a temple. Don't think it is about praying for this or that. If you look at your prayers, ninety-five per cent of the prayers in the world are all about either asking for something, fundamentally asking for protection, or for being taken care of. There's nothing spiritual about it; it is plain basic survival. In most people, the very basis of prayer is fear and

    insecurity. If prayer exists in your life as an act only, it is obscene, being reverential towards one aspect and not being so to everything else. If you become prayerful, that's wonderful, and if you're using an act of prayer towards becoming that quality, that's fine. Now if you're routing your survival through the heavens, that's very stupid: even worms and insects take care of their own survival. So when I say 'spiritual’, I am talking about you beginning to experience that which is not physical. Once this spiritual  dimension  is  alive  once  you  start  experiencing yourself beyond the limitations of the physical and the mental, only then there's no such thing as fear. Fear is just the creation of an overactive and out-of control-mind.

    超越肉体的体验是我们所说的灵性的。当我说灵性的时候,不要以为是去寺庙。不要以为是为了这个或那个祈祷。如果你们检视一下你们自己的祈祷,会发现:世界上 95%的祈祷要么是寻求一些东西(基本上都是寻求庇护),要么是希望被照顾。这与灵性毫不相干,它是赤裸裸的基本生存。对在大多数人而言,祈祷的基础就是恐惧和不安。如果祈祷只是作为一种行为存在于你的生活中,这样是污秽的:只对一个方面虔诚,对其他所有的都不虔诚。如果你变得虔诚,那就太好了,如果你在用祈祷的方式来达到这种品质,那就好了。现在,如果你要通过追寻天堂来解决生存问题,是非常愚蠢的:即使蠕虫和昆虫也能解决它们自己的生存问题。所以当我说“灵性”的时候,我说的是你开始体验那非物质的维度。一旦这个维度鲜活起来,一旦你开始体验到自己超越生理和心智的部分,只有到这时,才没有恐惧。思想过度活跃,一旦失控,恐惧自然就会找上门。



