美文网首页Mystic's musings —萨古鲁


作者: 破罐子Crackpots俱乐部 | 来源:发表于2019-03-26 21:58 被阅读0次

Mystic's-Musings                              Page 237-238

Now, another way is, if I shoot you in the head, your prana may be vibrant but still you will be dead. The physical body is broken and so the prana cannot immediately reconstruct it to keep it going. The physical body collapses. Suppose I shoot you in your thigh muscle. In cases where the body is not broken enough, it will allow enough time for the prana to reconstruct the damaged part. Why it is said that if somebody dies in an accident, his ghost will be going around, is simply because that man is moving around with more substance than one who dies a natural death. So there are more chances that people may feel him. Do you understand what I am saying? Suppose somebody died of old age, his prana would become very weak, the vibrancy would be lost, and then the body would fall apart. So you will not feel him. He is too subtle.


Seeker: So the prana of this person who died in an accident is felt more? And that is again the subtle body, isn't it, Sadhguru?


Sadhguru: No, let me come to that. As we saw, there are five bodies. We know that. Now, the pranic body is fully vibrant in a person, but as he becomes older and older, the pranic body loses its vibrancy. What you're doing with your kriyas and pranayama is just keeping the vibrancy. No matter what your age is, just keeping that vibrancy. How vibrant it is, that is how the mental body and the physical body will be. So we are just trying to keep the pranic system in proper vibrancy, always. Now somebody is young and vibrant, but the body is destroyed---the physical body. Either by an accident or a gunshot or whatever, the physical body is destroyed. The pranic body is still very much vibrant and intact. So now, anyway, he has to part with the physical body because it's ruined. It is, physically damaged. He cannot do anything about it. Now when he leaves, the vibrancy of the pranic body is still intact. So he's felt much more easily by people.

萨古鲁:不,我来谈谈这个。我们知道:正如我们看到的,我们每个人有五个不同层面的身体。现在,一个人的普拉纳身体(pranic body)充满活力,但是随着他越来越老,普拉纳身体失去活力。你用克里亚(kriya)和普拉纳亚玛(pranayama)做的只是保持活力,这样不管你的年龄多大,都可以保持活力。它的活力水平,体现在心智体(mental body)和肉体(physical body)。所以, 我们只是想让普拉纳系统一直保持适当的活力。现在,有个人,年轻而充满活力,但身体却被摧毁了——肉体。无论是因为意外还是枪击,或是其他什么方式,总之身体毁了。普拉纳身体仍然非常活跃和完整,但不管怎样,他必须和身体分开,因为肉体已经毁了。是的,物理损坏了。他对此无能为力。那么,当他离开时,普拉纳身体(pranic body)的活力仍然完好无损。这种情况下,人们更容易感觉到他。

Seeker: Yes, Sadhguru, but for how long would he be able to keep this pranic body which is still intact? When you say "still intact", is it a subtler body?


Sadhguru: No. Even the person who dies of old age has a subtler body, but it is too subtle for people to feel.


Seeker: So Sadhguru, this pranic body will stay intact until rebirth?

慕道者:那么,萨古鲁,这个普拉纳身体(Pranic body)会保持完好无损直到重生?

Sadhguru: Yes, until it's capable of finding another physical body.


Seeker: Finding or creating, Sadhguru?


Sadhguru: In a way, creating. In, one way, creating because without the pranic substance, the body cannot form itself.


Seeker: So Master, does creating mean when a woman conceives?


Sadhguru: A woman conceives just because two physical cells meet.



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