首先我来总结一下本集的‘中心思想’, 一方面概括一下本集的大概内容,交代上下文,另一方面可以锻炼一下用自己的语言讲述故事梗概的能力。我们常说能讲出来的知识才是自己真正掌握的知识,更何况耳闻千遍不如手过一遍呢。(PS:由于是自己的总结,难免有遗漏或者错误之处,欢迎批评指正)
Joey went to Lasvegas for his new movie in lase episode. He is still mad of Chandler because Chandler does not think it is his big break to him. But the fact is that is really not a big break. When he arrived at Lasvegas, the producer told him there is no movie because they have run out of money. What a embarrased thing it is. Joey does not go back immeditely, he still there to earn some money by acting a model to let the visitors take picture.
In order to celabrate their aniversary, Monica and Chandler planed to visit Joey in Lasvegas, Phoebe went together with them. But when they got there, they have a conflict because Monica had lunch with her ex-boyfirend and she did not tell Chandler. Chandler was so mad of it, he does not want Monica to see her ex-boyfriend anymore, at last Monica apologized to Chandler becaues she loves him so much, they almost get mirried in Lasvegas.
Chandler and Monica were not married in Lasvegas, but Ross and Rachel did. Actually Ross and Rahcel did not go with the other three firends, they went to Lasvegas later. On their way to Lasvegas, Ross played a trick to Rachel, he drawed on her face with black pen and it would not come off. Rahcel was so mad of that, she eat a lot of snacks and drinked a lot of beer with Ross in their room. Of curse all those things are put much more pice than normal stores, and they are all on Ross. Because they are so drunk, they got married there.
It is so suprise, right? But I like it, I feel happy for them, because they are Ross and Rachel. I believe there are a lot of audences have same feeling like me. Let's see what will happen in next episode.
How much would you pay to see this hand twice? I can not put a price on that now.
What are you talking about?
You are not going to believe this, I have found my
When will you leave? maybe we could share a cab.
The reason I did not tell you this is I do not want this ruled our aniversary.
The movie has shut down because they run out of money.
It means nothing, how could not you trust me?
You can not see him ever again. There is no next time.
I do not care how much you want it, I am not going to give it to you.
They really over chage on those things in hotel than normal stores.
Are you sure you want looking your hands in the mirror?
I support you 100 percent.
Where is Monica? did you two make up?
Ross, do not let her drink anymore.
There is only one way I would leave this room.
That is the worst thing ever happened since we are married.
It is no big deal.
I just want this to be about what it is.
You actually thought I want to have sex with you?
Forget this ever happen. 就当这事儿没发生过
I promise you next time I will absolutely tell you.
Chandler I do not need luck, I have thought this for a long time.
Go find Chandler and tell him that you love him, you do not want him to go.
You know that teacher who has a baby with her student?
Would you mind give me a blanket? My friend is a little cold.
What are you talking about? You drawing on me? you are so cross the line.
This thing is a gold mine, I would be a millionaire.
Whole cares, because it is all on me.
Whatever you need me to do, I am your man.
Alright, what do you want to do now?
are you sure you want to do this?
Ok, that is all for the last episode of season05, let's see what will happen in next episode.