

作者: 阿森纳里 | 来源:发表于2018-11-15 11:54 被阅读4次


The other official language
In Macau, the old colonial tongue is back in vogue

China’s global trade is fuelling interest in the study of Portuguese

THESE DAYS Manuel Machado has a spring in his step. The school of which he is headmaster, Escola Portuguesa de Macau, is the only one in the southern Chinese city that still follows the curriculum taught in Portugal, which until 1999 had held sway in Macau, more or less, for nearly four-and-a-half centuries. What gives Mr Machado cheer is that enrolment has been rising for the past three years. The school now has more than 600 pupils. He predicts the trend will continue.
最近澳门葡文学校校长曼努埃尔·马查多(Manuel Machado)心情不错。该校是澳门现存的唯一一所以葡文作为教学语言的学校,而在1999年前的450年间,葡语教学曾一度蔚然成风。令校长先生心情大好的原因是,过去3年里学校的招生人数接连攀升,目前该校在校学生人数超过600人,校长预计招生人数会进一步上涨。

There is certainly plenty of room for catch-up growth. When the school was founded in 1998, a year before Portugal handed Macau back to China, it had nearly twice as many students (and there were at least three other such schools through much of the 1990s). The vast majority of pupils were children of Portuguese expatriates, who then dominated the senior ranks of Macau’s public sector. Today the school’s fastest-growing ethnic group is Chinese.

Only 2.3% of the city’s 660,000 people claim fluency in Portuguese (about 1.8% of them are wholly or partly ethnic Portuguese). But the language is still in official use, along with Chinese, of which the local spoken form is Cantonese. In recent years interest in Portuguese has surged. The number of students taking courses in it at Instituto Português do Oriente, a Macau-based cultural centre backed by the Portuguese government, was around 5,000 last year, more than double the figure in 2012. Many are officials who want to “reach the top” of Macau’s government, says Joaquim Ramos, the centre’s director. In its economic plan for 2016-20, Macau’s government pledged to “give priority to guaranteeing employment” for “talented people who are bilingual in Chinese and Portuguese”. It promised to boost subsidies for those studying Portuguese at university.
澳门的66万居民中只有2.3%的人能说流利的葡萄牙语(澳门土居民中葡萄牙人和土生葡人的比例为1.8%),但葡语仍和汉语一样是官方语言之一,不过当地人说的汉语是广东方言。近几年人们对葡语的学习兴趣大增,去年在受葡萄牙政府资助的研究机构“东方葡萄牙学会”参加葡语课程的学生人数达到约5000人,比2012年时增长一倍多。据学会秘书若阿金·莱姆士(Joaquim Ramos)称,学生中许多人是想在澳门政府中谋求更大发展的公务人员。在2016-2020年五年计划中,澳门政府称将优先录取中葡双语人士。政府保证向大学中的葡语学习者提供补助。

At present most civil servants can speak good English, but few have even passable Portuguese. That is partly because Portuguese was never a compulsory subject in most schools. So why the growth of interest in it? The answer lies in China’s burgeoning trade with the Lusophone world, about three-quarters of which is with Brazil. In 2003 the central government founded an organisation called Forum Macau to boost such commerce. Every three or four years government ministers from member countries gather in the eponymous city, which like nearby Hong Kong—a former British colony—is now a “special administrative region” of China. Last year China traded goods worth $118bn with the forum’s foreign participants (eight of them, since the African state of São Tomé and Príncipe joined in 2017, having severed its ties with Taiwan). This amount was still relatively small—only 3% of China’s total trade in goods. But it was nearly 30% higher than in the previous year.

A young native of Macau who prefers to be identified by his surname, Ho, says he wants to be an interpreter for a Chinese company with interests in Portugal or Lusophone Africa, such as Mozambique or Angola. Perhaps anticipating the needs of people like him, the University of Macau recently opened, to much fanfare, a “bilingual teaching and training centre”. It offers Portuguese-language workshops tailored for professionals.

For Mr Ho, the decision to take up Portuguese is also a personal matter. The language is “part of Macau’s identity”, he notes. Since around 2011 residents have rated their identity as citizens of Macau as being stronger than their Chinese identity, according to annual surveys by the University of Hong Kong (the year 2015 was an exception). Native-born youngsters, who have no memory of Portuguese rule, are especially proud of Macau’s Portuguese heritage, Mr Ho says. A similar kind of “localism”, as it is often described, is also on the rise in Hong Kong. There, however, it is intermingled with demands for greater democracy or even outright secession from China. Happily for the government in Beijing, the people of Macau show little interest in pushing the case for either.


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