马云2017达沃斯对话纽约时报专栏作家 (笔记)

马云2017达沃斯对话纽约时报专栏作家 (笔记)

作者: 糖三十三 | 来源:发表于2017-03-08 15:08 被阅读24次



1. 层次分明,逻辑清晰

2. 引用精确数字

3. 使用具体例子(极端事例,幽默)

4. 升华到人生哲学

5. 给策略取个名字

6. 政治导向正确

7. 棘手问题:转移问题重点,然后见第四点

1. US-China relationship: 

It was a perfect strategy for the U.S. to control the IP, technology and brands, leaving the low-end jobs for the world. American international companies have earned millions and millions dollars from globalization. The real issue is where the money went. During the past 30 years, America had 13 wars, spending 14.2 trillion dollars. What if spending part of the money building the infrastructure and helping out people. Also, the money went to the Wall Street. The 2008 financial crisis wiped out 19.2 trillion dollars in the U.S. alone. What if the money was spent in the Midwest to develop the industry there? It's not other countries stealing jobs away, it is the America's strategy. You did not distribute the money in the proper way. 

China and U.S. will never have a trade war. We should give President Trump sometime. He is open-minded and he is listening. It's so easy to launch a war, but it's so hard to terminate a war. Iraq War, Afghanistan War, is that finished? No! When trade stops, the war starts. Trade is something that people start to communicate, something that make people exchange culture and values. If China and U.S. have a trade war, it would be a disaster. 

2. Globalization 

Globalization is good but needs to be improved. It should be the inclusive one. What if we can support 20 million small businesses to do business cross the border in the next 30 years?

The world needs a new leadership. The new leadership is about working together. We do not need one specific leader to teach us what to do and what not to do. 

It was the first time that a Chinese leader made a number commitment -- "Next ten year, we are going to import 8 billion US dollars." China is transforming from exporting to inputing. China grew during the past years only because China is open to the world. President Xi is ready to open more to the world. 

3. eWTP

WTO is great, but mainly designed for developed countries and big companies. Electronic World Trade Platform aims to support young people and small businesses to sell cross the border through mobile phones.  

WTO is about putting 200 countries in one room and asking them to agree on something. It is impossible. eWTP should be about something that business people sit down together, agree on something, and get endorsement by the government. 

4. Amazon vs. Alibaba 

Both are right, because we need to have all kinds of models. People who do the models should believe in what they do. 

Amazon is like an empire to control everything themselves. Alibaba tries to become an ecosystem to empower others to buy, serve, and sell, making sure that others are more powerful than us, making sure they can make more money and hire more people. With Alibaba's innovation and technology, the 10 million small businesses can compete with Microsoft and IBM. 

We made 125 cities deliver within one day last year. Within 1111 single's day, we sold 17 billion dollars by deliver more than 600 million packages within 3 days. What we feel proud of is not how much money we make, how powerful we are. My dream is that we can make the technology inclusive that every small company can use it

5. Piracy Issue

First, you have to take all the criticism for doing a business like this size. You have to listen what is right and what is wrong. 

Second, when putting 10 million small businesses together and empowering them to sell, it's impossible to check every product. The business model itself may have a lot deficiencies. 

Third, we are the leader of this anti-piracy issue in the past 17 years to protect IP. As an Internet company, we don't have law enforcement. We found this guy selling fake products, we delete them but cannot arrest them. But we have great progress. Last year alone, we put 400 people into jails. We work with the police using the big data tracing the "criminals." And China government organizations started realizing the issues. (Lessons for branded companies: 1. the fake products sometimes have better quality. 2. fighting against fake products is a war against human greediness. Branded company may lie.) We put 2,000 people, one billion RMB every year fighting against that. And we cannot finish the war in two years. But we are happy about the progress and we will keep doing it. 

When facing the criticism, you do not debate, you do what you believe. 

6. Credit rating system

We are a data company. How to make the data beneficial for the society. How to use the credit rating system based on the data? We give 500 millions businesses loans during the 5 years (3 minutes to decide, within 1 second the money goes to the account, 0 people touch the money).  

7. Investment in the entertainment industry 

Is the strategic decision we made solve society problems? The bigger social problem you solve, the more successful you are. Does the strategic decision lead to a long-term success?

What are the things that the China and the World want? Happiness and Health

The movie industry brings people happiness. I think we should partner with the Hollywood, because we need to learn from them. Hero in Chinese movies always died. The American hero never die! If all hero dies, who wants to be the hero? So I want to make the hero live. 

We are not an e-commerce company, it's something that brings people inspirations. My favorite movie is Forrest Gump. I got inspired. "Go ahead, never care about what other people said." "Nobody makes money out of catching whales, people make money by catching shrimps."

8. Taiwan Issue 

This is not something about politics or business, it's about people. If you do Taiwan, it's against 1.4 billion people. This is another issue. So we are talking about trade. We are not talking about Taiwan.  

9. Dictating the credit system 

Every thing is uncertain. The only certain day was yesterday. I'm not sure that in the future I will dictate, stupid. That's why I want to retire young. The world is so wonderful, why you have to be the CEO of Alibaba all the time. I come to this world not to work, but enjoy my life. I do not want to die in my office. I want to die on the beaches. 

10. Last word

Every government should pay attention to the next 30 years. Every technology revolution took about 50 years: first 20 years technology companies, next 30 years the implication of the technology. Focus on the next 30 years, and the most important is to make the technology inclusive, make the world change. Second, pay attention to those people who are 30 years old, because those are Internet generation. They will change the world, and they are the builder of the world. Third, pay attention to the company that has less than 30 employees. 

30 years, 30 years old, 30 employees, that can make the world much better. 



      本文标题:马云2017达沃斯对话纽约时报专栏作家 (笔记)
