

作者: SpitFireJo | 来源:发表于2019-06-25 17:57 被阅读3次

You have a busy agenda into which you have to squeeze me in. With reluctance, I accept it and allow it. To maintain the balance, shouldn’t my agenda be respected in return as well? It’s just not fair that you only ask me to make concession while you barely make the effort. You told me that I’m important to you but I just can’t see it beyond the pretty words from your mouth. Do you expect me to see your sincerity in your flattery? Nevertheless, I guess what I look for in a relationship is the room to grow for both of us and I don’t see how we can evolve to be a better person in the imminent future, be it mentally or materially. You seem like a distant friend who comes and goes in my life. A relationship is not just spending a night in a shabby hotel room every week and having nonsense wechat chat in the day. So tell me, how come I’m the selfish and mean one in your standard?



