

作者: 雨松溪 | 来源:发表于2022-09-06 23:44 被阅读0次

1. When you are determined to work hard, you should understand that you must be calm and enthusiastic. You must quietly pave the road to success, which is a very painful process, but when you get proud results, you will understand that any effort will be more or less rewarding.

2. I just want to live vigorously at this moment, no matter where I go, no matter who I see, those places I will go, are my hometown I have never seen; The people I'm going to meet, they're going to be my friends. I can't choose how I live or die, but I can decide how I love and live. - wang

3 know the most admire people have a characteristic, is hard. They have firm goals and clear principles about what they really care about. Watching them make choices inspired me. I also have to tell myself many times that weak people can't get what they want in life anyway, and the pursuit of happiness must have a heart of steel.

4. If you want to live, you must have faith. What do you believe in? Believing in the rational interconnectedness of all things and all moments, believing that life as a whole will go on forever, believing in the nearest thing and the farthest thing. -- Franz Kafka, The Silence at Midnight




4.人要生活,就一定要有信仰。信仰什么?相信一切事和一切时刻的合理的内在联系,相信生活作为整体将永远继续下去,相信最近的东西和最远的东西。 --卡夫卡《午夜的沉默》


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