手少阳三焦经之外关穴 SJ-5 络穴

手少阳三焦经之外关穴 SJ-5 络穴

作者: 在路上5818 | 来源:发表于2020-05-18 20:04 被阅读0次


Luo-Connecting point of the San Jiao Channel; Confluent point of the Yang Linking Vessel.



2 Cun proximal to Yang Chi SJ-4, in the depression between the radius and the ulna, on the radial side of the extensor digitorum communis tendons.

The Location of Wai Guan SJ-5 from A Manual of Acupuncture by Deadman


1. Slightly oblique insertion towards the ulnar side or oblique proximal or distal insertion towards the elbow or wrist respectively, 0.5 to 1.5 cun.

2. Joined by through-needling to Nei Guan PC-6


1. Expels wind and releases the exterior (祛风解表)

2. Benefits the head and ears (利头耳)

3. Opens the Yang Linking vessel (开阳维脉)

4. Clears heat (清热)

5. Activates the channel and alleviates pain (通经止痛)


1. Injury by cold, chills and fever, sweating with heat on the exterior, febrile disease.


2. Headache, thunder head wind, head wind, Kidney deficiency headache, one-sided headache, pain of the vertex, frontal headache, pain of the nape, dizziness, phlegm inversion dizziness, wind dizziness, hypertension.


3. Deafness, impaired hearing, tinnitus, pain of the ear, itching of the ear, redness, pain and swelling of the root of the ear.


4. Redness, pain and swelling of the eyes, cold and pain of the eyes, superficial visual obstruction, lacrimation on exposure to wind, cold lacrimation.


5. Swelling and pain of the cheek, stiffness of the tongue with difficulty in speaking, toothache, ulceration of the mouth, cracked lips, nosebleed, scrofula, mumps.


6. Constipation, abdominal pain, oppression and tightness of the chest, pain of the lateral costal region, vomiting blood, knotting of heat in the five zang and six fu.


7. Pain of the shoulder and back, stiff neck, pain of the ribs and lateral costal region, numbness and pain of the elbow and arm, contraction of the elbow, flaccidity of the elbow, soreness and heaviness of the elbow and wrist, swelling and redness of the arm, paralysis and numbness of the arm, hemiplegia, severe pain of the fingers with inability to grasp objects, coldness, numbness and pain of the hands and feet, tremor of the hand, redness, swelling and pain of the ankle, pain of the toes, pain of the hundred joints.



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    本文标题:手少阳三焦经之外关穴 SJ-5 络穴
