Day1    Amazon’s  empire

Day1    Amazon’s  empire

作者: 鲁鲁lulu | 来源:发表于2017-04-10 16:16 被阅读0次

    words & phrases


    adj. 不平常的,不一般的,非凡的,卓越的

    ①very unusual or surprising 异乎寻常的;令人惊奇的

    「例」It took an extraordinary amount of work.      这费了相当多的功夫。

    quite/most extraordinary BrE 【英】

    His  behaviour that morning was quite extraordinary.


    extraordinary thing to do/say/happen

    What an extraordinary thing to do!                 这么做多奇怪呀!

    how extraordinary! BrE spoken (= used to express surprise) 【英,口】 太奇怪了!

    ②very much greater or more impressive than usual 非凡的,出色的

    「SYN 」incredible

    a woman of extraordinary beauty                   容貌出众的女子

    an extraordinary talent非凡的才华

    {补充:extraordinary作形容词还可指①意想不到的,令人惊奇的,奇怪的  「SYN」incredible ②(会议等)临时的,特别的③[术语](官员等)特派的,特命的}


    adj. 昔日的,以前的

    ①happening or existing before, but not now 以前〔发生或存在〕的,从前的

    → present ; previous

    the former Soviet Union前苏联

    ②having a particular position in the past 〔地位、职位〕昔日的,前任的

    「SYN 」ex-

    → present

    former President Clinton前总统克林顿

    ③in former times/years

    in the past 从前,以前

    「n.」①the former

    the first of two people or things that you have just mentioned formal 前者

    Of the two possibilities, the former seems more likely.


    ②first/second/sixth etc former

    used in some schools to show which class a student is in, according to how many years they have been in school 一年级/二年级/六年级等的学生  

    Accounts for 占(一定数量或比例)

    Cloud computing 云计算(用户通过互联网调用主要储存于中央计算机的数据和软件的方式)

    Cable channel 有线电视频道


    ① Almonds are pale oval nuts. They are often used in cooking. 杏仁

    ...sponge cake flavoured with almonds.       …带杏仁味的松糕。

    ② almond or an almond tree is a tree on which almonds grow. 杏树

    On the left was a plantation of almond trees.在左边曾是一个杏树种植园。

    Virtual voice-activated assistant 虚拟声控助手


    ①a piece of equipment used for scattering water on grass or soil 〔浇草地等的〕洒水器

    ②a piece of equipment on a ceiling that scatters water if there is a fire 〔天花板上的〕自动喷水灭火装置


    ①[plural 复数] the buildings and land that a shop, restaurant, company etc uses 〔商店、餐馆、公司等使用的〕房屋及土地

    business premises企业经营场所

    off the premises

    The manager escorted him off the premises.


    on the premises

    The wonderful desserts are made on the premises.


    ②( also 又作 premiss BrE 【英】 )

    [C] a statement or idea that you accept as true and use as a base for developing other ideas 前提

    premise that

    the premise that an accused person is innocent until they are proved guilty


    Market capitalisation 市值

    Due to 由于,因为


    ①to expect that something will happen and be ready for it 预期,预料

    Sales are better than anticipated.


    anticipate changes/developments

    The schedule isn’t final, but we don’t anticipate many changes.


    anticipate problems/difficulties

    We don’t anticipate any problems.


    anticipate (that)

    This year, we anticipate that our expenses will be 15% greater.


    anticipate doing sth

    I didn’t anticipate having to do the cooking myself!    我没有料到要自己做饭!

    ②to think about something that is going to happen, especially something pleasant 期待〔尤指好事〕

    「SYN 」look forward to

    Daniel was eagerly anticipating her arrival.


    ③to do something before someone else 先于…之前(做)

    Copernicus anticipated in part the discoveries of the 17th and 18th centuries.



    ①money that a business or organization receives over a period of time, especially from selling goods or services 〔公司、机构的〕收益,收入

    → income

    advertising revenue广告收入

    ②money that the government receives from tax 〔政府的〕税收

    an increase in tax revenues of 8.4%



    an attitude of doubting that particular claims or statements are true or that something will happen 怀疑态度;怀疑论


    ①fertile land or soil is able to produce good crops 肥沃的,富饶的

    800 acres of fertile cropland


    ②able to produce babies, young animals, or new plants 可繁殖的,能生育的;能结果的

    「OPP 」infertile

    Most men remain fertile into old age.


    ③a fertile imagination/mind/brain

    an imagination, mind etc that is able to produce a lot of interesting and unusual ideas 丰富的想象力/主意多[有创造性]的头脑


    ①a professional judgment about how much something is worth 〔专业的〕估价,估值

    The property has a valuation of $1.6 billion.那处房地产估价为16亿美元。

    ②a judgment about how effective or useful a particular idea or plan will be 〔对某个想法、计划的〕评价,评估

    Tick sb/sth  off (扳着手指)报出,列举(项目)


    a problem or difficulty that is likely to happen in a particular job, course of action, or activity 〔可能出现的〕问题,困难;隐患;陷阱

    the pitfalls associated with the purchase of a used car购买旧车时可能遇到的圈套

    [+ of ]He gave me advice on how to avoid the pitfalls of the legal process.



    【n.】①a person, group, or organization that you compete with in sport, business, a fight etc 对手,竞争者

    「SYN 」competitor

    This gives the company a competitive advantage over its rivals.这使该公司与其对手相比具有一项竞争优势。

    [+ for ]

    his chief rival for the job


    rival company/firm/team etc

    Sheena left her job and went to work for a rival company.


    ②one of a group of things that people can choose between 竞争的事物

    The newest model has several advantages over its rivals.



    to be as good or important as someone or something else 与…匹敌,与…媲美

    → unrivalled

    The college’s facilities rival those of Harvard and Yale.



    ①to push someone gently, usually with your elbow, in order to get their attention 〔通常用肘〕轻推〔以引起某人的注意〕

    Jill nudged him in the ribs.


    ②[+ adv/prep] to move something or someone a short distance by gently pushing 轻推移动,推开

    She nudged the glass towards me.                 她将杯子轻轻推向我。

    ③[always + adv/prep] to move forward slowly by pushing gently 〔缓慢地〕往前挤

    nudge your way to/through etc (sth)

    I started to nudge my way to the front of the crowd.我慢慢地挤到人群前面。

    Beef sth up 使更大(或更好更有意思等


    extremely 极其,非常

    「SYN 」outstandingly

    She defended her position exceptionally well.她出色地捍卫了自己的立场。

    unprecedented goals  空前的目标


    ①a part of a situation or a quality involved in it 〔形势或品质的〕方面,部分

    「SYN 」aspect

    You can have a spiritual dimension to your life without being religious.即使你不信宗教,也可以在生命中拥有精神层面的内容。

    [+ of ]

    the moral dimension of world politics世界政治的道德方面

    add a new/an extra/another etc dimension (to sth)

    His coaching has added another dimension to my game.他的指导使我的技巧更进了一层。

    political/social/economic etc dimension

    It is important to keep in mind the historical dimension to these issues.一定要考虑到这些问题的历史背景。

    ②[usually plural 一般用复数] the length, height, width, depth, or diameter of something 大小,尺寸

    「SYN 」measurement

    a rectangle with the dimensions 5cm × 2cm


    [+ of ]We’ll need to know the exact dimensions of the room.我们需要知道这个房间的确切大小。

    ③a direction in space that is at an angle of 90 degrees to two other directions 〔空间的〕维度

    A diagram represents things in only two dimensions.示意图只能二维地呈现物体。


    a period of time in history that is known for a particular event, or for particular qualities 时代,年代

    the Victorian era


    [+ of ]

    a new era of world peace



    to keep complaining in an annoying way 唠叨;嘀咕

    [+ about ]

    Stop whingeing about the situation and accept it.别再嘟嘟囔囔抱怨自己的处境了,接受吧。


    showing firm determination or purpose

    He redeemed his honour by resigning resolutely.他毅然辞职,以挽回自己的声誉

    with firmness

    「SYN」 decisively


    ①to move, drive, or push something forward 推动;推进;驱动

    → propulsion

    a boat propelled by  small motor                         由马达驱动的小船

    propel yourself along/through etc

    She used the sticks to propel herself along.她拄着棍子往前走。

    ②to make someone move in a particular direction, especially by pushing them written 推搡〔某人走向特定方向〕

    He took her arm and propelled her towards the door.他抓着她的手臂,推着她向门口走去。

    ③to move someone into a new situation or make them do something 使处于…的境况;驱使,迫使

    propel sb to/into sth

    The film propelled her to stardom.



    v. (用船、飞机、卡车等)运送

    ①[T] to send goods somewhere by ship, plane, truck etc 〔用船、飞机、卡车等〕运送

    ship sth out/to/over etc

    A new engine was shipped over from the US.从美国运来一台新的引擎。

    ② to make a piece of computer equipment or software available for people to buy technical 推出〔计算机商品〕;(使)上市

    Both products are due to ship at the beginning of June.这两种产品都定于六月初上市。

    ③to order someone to go somewhere 遣送〔某人〕,将〔某人〕送往

    ship sb off/out etc

    He was shipped off to a juvenile detention center.他被送进一个青少年拘留中心。

    Streaming video 流媒体视频


    ①to persuade someone to do something or go somewhere, usually by offering them something that they want 诱惑;诱使

    [+ into/away/from etc ]

    The birds were enticed back into Britain 40 years ago.那些鸟在40年前被引回英国。

    entice sb/sth to do sth

    Our special offers are intended to entice people to buy.我们的特价优惠是为了吸引人们购买。

    Virtuous circle 良性循环


    ①to turn or spin around very quickly, or to make someone or something do this (使)急转;(使)迅速旋转

    We watched the seagulls whirling and shrieking over the harbour.我们看海鸥在港口上空盘旋鸣叫。

    [+ about/around/toward etc ]

    She whirled around and her look shook him.她猛地转身,脸上的表情让他震惊。

    whirl sb/sth about/around/away etc

    He whirled her round in his arms.


    ②if your head is whirling, or if thoughts are whirling in your head, your mind is full of thoughts and ideas, and you feel very confused or excited 〔思绪〕混乱

    His head was whirling with excitement.



    ①a heady smell, drink etc is pleasantly strong and seems to affect you strongly 〔气味、饮料等〕醇浓的,令人陶醉的

    a heady combination of wine and brandy


    ②very exciting in a way that makes you feel as if you can do anything you want to 使人飘飘然的,使人兴奋的

    the heady atmosphere of the early sixties



    to look like or be similar to someone or something 像;与…类似,与…相似

    He grew up to resemble his father.


    -Self-fulfilling 自我实现

    However, this is an entirely self-fulfilling prophecy.
    然而,这完全是自我实现的预言 (self-fulfilling prophecy)(译者注:又称皮革马利翁效应)。


    A prophecy is a statement in which someone says they strongly believe that a particular thing will happen.
    Will the teacher's prophecy be fulfilled?那位老师的预言会实现吗?


    an event or situation that is a complete failure 大败,崩溃
    the debacle of the 1994 elections

    -Crank sth  out 快速大量地制造


    If someone quadruples an amount or if it quadruples, it becomes four times bigger. 使成4倍; 成为4倍

    -Time-frame n. (用于某事的)一段时间


    ①the distance from one side of something to the other 宽度,阔度
    「SYN 」width
    → broad ; depth ; length
    [+ of ]the breadth of the river河宽

    ② the quality of including a lot of different people, things, or ideas 广泛性,广度
    → broad ; depth
    We need to provide more breadth in the college curriculum.


    n. 物流



    the distance from the end of one wing to the end of the other 翼展,翼幅〔指两翼展开时的宽度〕

    -Reminiscent of sth 使人想起某事物的

    -Conglomerate n. [商]联合大公司,企业集团


    ①full of liquid, gas, food etc, so that you look or feel much larger than normal 发胀的,膨胀的;臃肿的
    a red bloated face
    ②if you describe an organization as bloated, you mean that it is too big and does not work effectively 〔机构〕臃肿的
    the bloated state bureaucracy



    a large building for storing large quantities of goods 仓库,货栈


    transport (cargo) by air航空运费/空运货物






    to make a continuous low dull sound 发出持续的嗡嗡声,嗡嗡作响

    An airplane droned overhead.



    used to say that you think something is probably true 可能,大概,据推测

    It’s raining, which presumably means that your football match will be cancelled.


    [sentence adverb 句子副词]

    He’s dead now, presumably?



    ①usually plural 一般用复数] a service such as gas or electricity provided for people to use 公用事业〔如煤气、电力等〕

    Does your rent include utilities?


    ②a piece of computer software that has a particular use 〔计算机〕应用程序,实用程序

    It’s a simple shareware utility that allows you to print signs and banners.


    ③the quality of being useful, or the degree to which something is useful formal 有用,实用性


    The infrastructure of a country, society, or organization consists of the basic facilities such as transportation, communications, power supplies, and buildings, which enable it to function. (国家、社会、组织赖以行使职能的) 基础设施


    to make something happen very quickly, especially a series of events 引发,激发〔尤指一系列事件〕

    The assassination triggered off a wave of rioting.这次暗杀事件引发了一阵骚乱。

    trigger a memory (= make you suddenly remember something) 触发回忆

    See through this lens 从这一角度来看(来自官方译文)


    ①extremely fresh or clean 极其新鲜的;洁净的

    a pristine white shirt


    ②something that is pristine is in the same condition as when it was first made 崭新的,簇新的

    The car has been restored to pristine condition .


    ③not spoiled or damaged in any way 未受损害的;处于原始状态的

    pristine African rainforest



    ①to hit your open hands together, to show that you have enjoyed a play, concert, speaker etc (为…)鼓掌

    「SYN 」clap

    The audience applauded loudly.


    ②to express strong approval of an idea, plan etc formal 称赞,赞许

    I applaud the decision to install more security cameras.


    applaud sb for sth

    She should be applauded for her honesty.


    Harris poll 哈里斯民意调查

    Concern about (尤指许多人共同的)担忧,担心


    ①NOT SMOOTH 不平的

    having an uneven surface 〔表面〕粗糙的,不平的

    「OPP 」smooth

    the rough terrain at the base of the mountains


    ②NOT EXACT 不确切的

    [usually before noun 一般用于名词前] not exact, not containing many details, or not in a final form 不确切的,粗略的,大致的

    「SYN 」approximate

    a rough translation



    a room, building, piece of land etc that is adjacent to something is next to it 邻近的,毗连的

    We stayed in adjacent rooms.


    [+ to ]

    the building adjacent to the library


    -Comparative 比较的,相当的

    【n.】the comparative form of an adjective

    `better' is the comparative of `good'

    「adj.」relating to or based on or involving comparison

    comparative linguistics

    having significance only in relation to something else


    ①the state or right of being protected from particular laws or from unpleasant things 免除;豁免

    [+ from ]

    They were granted immunity from prosecution.他们获准免受起诉。

    ②the state of being immune to a disease 免疫力

    [+ to ]immunity to infection


    [+ from ]immunity from smallpox



    ①an inflammatory speech, piece of writing etc is likely to make people feel angry 〔讲话、文章等〕使人激愤的,煽动性的

    inflammatory remarks


    ②an inflammatory disease or medical condition causes inflammation medical 引发炎症的

    inflammatory bowel disease炎症性肠病


    「 SYN」screen

    ①to check someone’s past activities, relationships etc in order to make sure that person is suitable for a particular job, especially an important one 审查〔某人过去的活动、亲属关系等〕

    All candidates are carefully vetted by Central Office.


    ②to check a report, speech etc care­fully to make sure it is acceptable 检查,审查〔报告、演讲等〕

    The author vets every script for the new TV series.


    Chip away (逐渐)削弱,(不断)损害


    something that is tempting seems very good and you would like to have it or do it 诱人的,吸引人的

    a tempting job offer


    That pie looks tempting.


    be tempting to do sth

    It’s tempting to believe her story.



    ①an animal, especially a large or dangerous one written 〔尤指体型庞大或危险的〕野兽

    ②someone who is cruel or unpleasant old-fashioned 性情凶残的人,畜生,禽兽

    ③something of a particular type or that has a particular quality – usually used humorously 某种东西,具有某种特点的事物〔一般为幽默用法〕

    「SYN 」animal

    A city at night is a very different beast .



    ①a predatory animal kills and eats other animals for food 掠食的,捕食其他动物为生的

    ②trying to use someone’s weakness to get advantages for yourself – used to show disapproval 利用别人的弱点谋取利益的,损人利己的〔含贬义〕

    predatory pricing掠夺性定价



          本文标题:Day1    Amazon’s  empire
